Search Results (UNBIS Thesaurus:"CLIMATE CHANGE", isMemberOf:"UNU:2004")

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Warner, Koko and Spiegel, Andreas, "Climate change and emerging markets : the role of the insurance industry in climate risk management" in Geneva Association, the insurance industry and climate change : contribution to the global debate ed. Liedtke, Patrick M. (Geneva: Geneva Association, 2009), 83-96.  5.80 905  
Boyd, Emily, Thomas, Adelle, van der Geest, Kees, Vanhala, Lisa, Prabhakar, S. V. R. K., Barnett, Jon and Pandit, Raju, "Chapter 5: Loss and Damage" in Adaptation Gap Report 2023: Underfinanced. Underprepared. Inadequate investment and planning on climate adaptation leaves world exposed ed. Neufeldt, Henry, Christiansen, Lars, Dale, Thomas and Hemmingsen, Lasse (Nairobi: United Nations Environment Programme, 2023), 61-75.  5.80 43 8
Irit, Eguavon and Tambo, Erick, "Transformative Learning for Global Change? Reflections on the Wascal Master Programme in Climate Change and Education in the Gambia" in Environmental Change and African Societies ed. Tischler, Julia and Haltermann, Ingo (Leiden: Brill, 2019), 199-224.  5.80 129 39
Oakes, Robert, van der Geest, Kees and Corendea, Cosmin, "Any Port in a Storm? Climate, Mobility, and Choice in Pacific Small Island Developing States" in Climate Refugees: Global, Local and Critical Approaches ed. Kent, Avidan and Behrman, Simon (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022), 249-260.  5.80 500  
Durand-Delacre, David, "Obstacles to Action on 'Climate Migration': A Story of Persistent Analytical and Political Ambiguity" in Climate Migration: Critical Perspectives for Law, Policy, and Research ed. Nicholson, Calum and Mayer, Benoit (London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2023), 111-130.  5.80 63 3
Oakes, Robert, Banerjee, Soumyadeep and Warner, Koko, "Chapter 9: Human mobility and adaptation to environmental change" in World Migration Report 2020 ed. McAuliffe, Marie and Khadria, Binod (Geneva: International Organization for Migration, 2019), 252-269.  5.80 914  
Warner, Koko, Becker, Sobiah, Zissener, Michael and Schaefer, Laura, "Case study: Livelihood Protection Policy: Extreme Weather Microinsurance in the Caribbean" in Results UK 2016: Weathering a risky climate. The role of insurance in reducing vulnerability to extreme weather (London: Results UK, 2016), 43-43.  5.80 985  
Rhyner, Jakob, "Environmental Risks and Human Security in the Context of Global Change" in International Security in the 21st Century: Germany's International Responsibility ed. Bindenagel, James, Herdegen, Matthias and Kaiser, Karl (Göttingen: V&R nipress/Bonn University Press, 2017), 143-148.  5.80 984  
Warner, Koko, "Enhancing adaptation options and managing human mobility in the context of climate change: Role of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change" in Climate change: International law and global governance ed. Ruppel, Oliver C., Roschmann, Christian and Ruppel-Schlichting, Katharina (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2013), 761-784.  5.80 932  
Warner, Koko, Kreft, Soenke, Harmeling, Sven and Roberts, Erin, "Framing the loss and damage debate: A thought starter by the loss and damage in vulnerable countries initiative" in Climate change: International law and global governance ed. Ruppel, Oliver C., Roschmann, Christian and Ruppel-Schlichting, Katharina (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2013), 829-842.  5.80 1356  
Etzold, Benjamin, Ahmed, Ahsan Uddin, Hassan, Selim Reza, Neelormi, Sharmind and Afifi, Tamer, "Rainfall Variability, Hunger, and Social Inequality, and Their Relative Influences on Migration: Evidence from Bangladesh" in Environmental Migration and Social Inequality ed. McLeman, Robert, Schade, Jeanette and Faist, Thomas (Geneva: Springer International Publishing, 2015), 27-41.  5.80 486  
Audia, Camilla, Visman, Emma, Fox, Gino, Mwangi, Emmah, Kilavi, Mary, Arango, Mark, Ayeb-Karlsson, Sonja and Kniveton, Dominic, "Decision-making heuristics for managing climate-related risks: introducing equity to the FREE framework" in Climate Risk in Africa ed. Conway, Declan and Vincent, Katherine (Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021), 57-76.  5.80 493 171
van der Geest, Kees, de Sherbinin, Alex, Kienberger, Stefan, Zommers, Zinta, Sitati, Asha, Roberts, Erin and James, Rachel, "The Impacts of Climate Change on Ecosystem Services and Resulting Losses and Damages to People and Society" in Loss and Damage from Climate Change Concepts, Methods and Policy Options ed. Mechler, Reinhard, Bouwer, Laurens, Schinko, Thomas, Surminski, Swenja and Linnerooth-Bayer, JoAnne (Cham: Springer, 2018), 221-236.  5.80 772 1064
van der Geest, Kees and Warner, Koko, "Loss and damage from droughts and floods in rural Africa" in Inside Africa’s agricultural, food and nutrition dynamics: Digging deeper ed. Akinyoade, Akinyinka, Klaver, Wijnand, Soeters, Sebastiaan and Foeken, Dick (Leiden: Brill Publishers, 2014), 276-293.  5.80 918  
Warner, Koko, Hoffmaister, Juan and Milan, Andrea, "Human Mobility and Adaptation: Reducing Susceptibility to Climatic Stressors and Mainstreaming" in Environmental Change, Adaptation and Migration ed. Hillmann, Felicitas, Pahl, Marie, Rafflenbeul, Birte and Sterly, Harald (London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2015), 41-56.  5.80 539   0
van der Geest, Kees and Warner, Koko, "Vulnerability, coping and loss and damage from climate events" in Hazards, risks and disasters in society ed. Collins, Andrew E. (n/a: Elsevier, 2015), 121-144.  5.80 1146 2341 0
Balogun, Abdul-Lateef, Shekhar, Himanshu, Budryte, Paulina, Okunola, Olasunkanmi H., Abdul-Kareem, Teslim, Abubakar, Ismaila R., Aina, Yusuf A., Tella, Abdulwaheed and Yekeen, Shamsudeen T., "Urban Resilience in the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Transformative Digitalization in European Smart Cities to Address Climate Change" in Resilient Smart Cities ed. Sharifi, Ayyoob and Salehi, Pourya (Cham: Springer Cham, 2022), 355-373.  5.80 211  
Danumah, John, H., Odai, Samuel, N., Saley, Mahaman, B., Szarzynski, Joerg, Adjei, Kwaku and Kouame, Fernand, K., "A Stochastic Weather Generator Model for Hydroclimatic Prevision in Urban Floods Risk Assessment in Abidjan District (Cote d’Ivoire)" in Innovation in Climate Change Adaptation ed. Filho, Walter, L. (Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016), 211-223.  5.80 961  
Pardoe, Joanna, Kloos, Julia and Assogba, Noël P., "Seasonal Variability: Impacts, Adaptations and the Sustainability Challenge" in Adaptation to Climate Change and Variability in Rural West Africa ed. Yaro, Joseph Awetori and Hesselberg, Jan (Geneva: Springer International Publishing, 2016), 41-57.  5.80 494   0