Search Results (Subtype:"Journal article", Display Type:"Article", Author ID:"Fukushi, Kensuke", Author:"Mohan, Geetha", isMemberOf:"UNU:1626")

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Chapagain, Saroj, Mohan, Geetha and Fukushi, Kensuke, (2020). An Extended Input–Output Model to Analyze Links Between Manufacturing and Water Pollution in Nepal. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 231(570), 1-11  7.92 794 1
Yang, Jiaqi, Mohan, Geetha and Fukushi, Kensuke, (2020). An Analysis of the Factors Influencing Public Attitudes toward Implementing Basic Income (BI) from an Individual Perspective: A Case Study of Hokuriku Region, Japan. Societies, 10(3), 1-18  7.92 565 156
Wadumestrige Dona, Chethika Gunasiri, Mohan, Geetha and Fukushi, Kensuke, (2024). Multifunctionality benefits of small-scale urban agriculture. Sustainability Science, n/a-n/a  7.54 19  
Shrestha, Sadhana, Yoshinaga, Emi, Chapagain, Saroj, Mohan, Geetha, Gasparatos, Alexandros and Fukushi, Kensuke, (2021). Wastewater-Based Epidemiology for Cost-Effective Mass Surveillance of COVID-19 in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Challenges and Opportunities. Water, 13(20), 1-14  7.16 351 72
Chapagain, Saroj, Aryal, Anil, Mohan, Geetha, Shrestha, Sadhana, Mishra, Binaya K. and Fukushi, Kensuke, (2022). Analysis of the climate change impact on water availability and the links between water pollution and economy for sustainable water resource management in Kaski District, Nepal. Journal of Water and Climate Change, 13(8), 3030-3045  7.16 356 77
Magesa, Bahati Ally, Mohan, Geetha, Melts, Indrek, Matsuda, Hirotaka, Pu, Jian and Fukushi, Kensuke, (2023). Interactions between Farmers’ Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change and Sustainable Development Goals in Tanzania, East Africa. Sustainability, 15(6), 1-14  7.16 97 16
Mohan, Geetha, Chapagain, Saroj, Fukushi, Kensuke, Papong, Seksan, I.M. Sudarma, Rimba, Andi B. and Osawa,Takahiro, (2021). An extended Input–Output framework for evaluating industrial sectors and provincial-level water consumption in Indonesia. Water Resources and Industry, 25(100141), 1-20  7.16 685 255
Magesa, Bahati A., Mohan, Geetha, Matsuda, Hirotaka, Melts, Indrek, Kefi, Mohamed and Fukushi, Kensuke, (2023). Understanding the farmers’ choices and adoption of adaptation strategies, and plans to climate change impact in Africa: A systematic review. Climate Services, 30 n/a-n/a  7.16 259 141
Chapagain, Saroj, Mohan, Geetha, Rimba, Andi B., Payus, Carolyn, Sudarma, I.M. and Fukushi, Kensuke, (2022). Analyzing the relationship between water pollution and economic activity for a more effective pollution control policy in Bali Province, Indonesia. Sustainable Environment Research, 32(5), 1-14  7.16 477 128
Payus, Carolyn, Huey, Lim Ann, Adnan, Farrah, Rimba, Andi B., Mohan, Geetha, Chapagain, Saroj, Roder, Giulia, Gasparatos, Alexandros and Fukushi, Kensuke, (2020). Impact of Extreme Drought Climate on Water Security in North Borneo: Case Study of Sabah. Water, 12(4), 1-19  6.97 1006 225
Rimba, Andi B., Mohan, Geetha, Chapagain, Saroj, Andi, Arumansawang, Payus, Carolyn, Fukushi, Kensuke, Husnayaen, Osawa,Takahiro and Avtar, Ram, (2021). Impact of population growth and land use and land cover (LULC) changes on water quality in tourism-dependent economies using a geographically weighted regression approach. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28 25920-25938  6.97 789