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O'Neil, Siobhan and Van Broeckhoven, Kato, Cradled by Conflict: Child Involvement with Armed Groups in Contemporary Conflict, (New York: United Nations University, 2018). 3541 13679
Cockayne, James, Developing Freedom: The Sustainable Development Case for Ending Modern Slavery, Forced Labour, Human Trafficking, (New York: United Nations University, 2021). 1082 1060
Day, Adam, Vanda Felbab-Brown and Haddad, Fanar, Hybrid Conflict, Hybrid Peace: How Militias and Paramilitary Groups Shape Post-Conflict Transitions, ed. Day, Adam (New York: United Nations University, 2020). 839 1864
Brubaker, Rebecca, Day, Adam, Salih, Cale, Clark, Phil, Palmer, Nicola and Gill-Leslie, Robyn, The UN Security Council and Transitional Justice, ed. Brubaker, Rebecca (New York: United Nations University, 2021). 870 1643
The UN Security Council in the 21st Century, ed. von Einsiedel, Sebastian, Malone, David and Ugarte, Bruno S. (Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 2015). 1002  
UN DDR in an Era of Violent Extremism: Is It Fit for Purpose?, ed. Cockayne, James and O'Neil, Siobhan (Online: United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, 2015). 901 480
Vulnerabilidad y violencia en América Latina y el Caribe, ed. Gottsbacher, Markus and de Boer, John (Mexico: Siglo XXI, 2016). 421