UNU-WIDER Working Papers

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Addison, Tony, Murshed, S. Mansoob and Chowdhury, Abdur (2002). By How Much Does Conflict Reduce Financial Development?. UNU-WIDER. 664  
Biddulph, Robin (2014). Cambodia’s Land Management and Administration Project. UNU-WIDER. 450  
de Janvry, Alain, Gonzalez-Navarro, Marco and Sadoulet, Elisabeth (2011). Can a Populist Political Party Bear the Risk of Granting Complete Property Rights? : Electoral outcomes of Mexico’s second land reform. UNU-WIDER. 565  
Thurlow, James and Dorosh, Paul A. (2012). Can Cities or Towns Drive African Development? Economy-wide Analysis for Ethiopia and Uganda. UNU-WIDER. 564  
Wong, Sam (2014). Can Climate Finance Achieve Gender Equity in Developing Countries?. UNU-WIDER. 430  
Siegel, Paul, Varangis, Panos, Larson, Donald F. and Skees, Jerry R. (2002). Can Financial Markets be Tapped to Help Poor People Cope with Weather Risks?. UNU-WIDER. 585  
Holden, Stein T., Barrett, Christopher B. and Clay, Daniel C. (2002). Can Food-for-Work Programmes Reduce Vulnerability?. UNU-WIDER. 620  
Cruz, Moritz (2008). Can Free Trade Guarantee Gains from Trade?. UNU-WIDER. 606  
Danielson, Anders (2001). Can HIPC Reduce Poverty in Tanzania?. UNU-WIDER. 546  
Altenburg, Tilman (2011). Can Industrial Policy Work under Neopatrimonial Rule?. UNU-WIDER. 635  
de Haan, Arjan and Everest-Phillips, Max (2007). Can New Aid Modalities Handle Politics?. UNU-WIDER. 619  
Cappelen, Ådne and Mjøset, Lars (2009). Can Norway Be a Role Model for Natural Resource Abundant Countries?. UNU-WIDER. 603  
Andrews, Matt (2014). Can One Retell a Mozambican Reform Story Through Problem-Driven Iterative Adaptation?. UNU-WIDER. 411  
von Jacobi, Nadia (2014). Can the Context Mediate Macro-Policy Outcomes? : Contextual Differences in the Returns to Bolsa Familia in Brazil. UNU-WIDER. 404  
Estache, Antonio, Benitez, Daniel A. and Chisari, Omar O. (2001). Can the Gains from Argentina's Utilities Reform Offset Credit Shocks?. UNU-WIDER. 607  
Wan, Guanghua and Zhang, Yuan (2008). Can We Predict Vulnerability to Poverty?. UNU-WIDER. 620  
Léautier, Frannie A. (2014). Capacity Development for the Transformation of Africa. UNU-WIDER. 375  
Ocampo, José Antonio (2002). Capital-Account and Counter-Cyclical Prudential Regulations in Developing Countries. UNU-WIDER. 593  
Ocampo, José Antonio (2015). Capital Account Liberalization and Management. UNU-WIDER. 611  
Ibarra, Carlos A. (2004). Capital Flows, Exchange Rate Regime, and Macroeconomic Performance in Mexico. UNU-WIDER. 507  
Akyüz, Yilmaz and Cornford, Andrew (2000). Capital Flows to Developing Countries of the International Financial System. UNU-WIDER. 504  
Taylor, Scott D. (2014). Capitalism and African Business Cultures. UNU-WIDER. 444  
Barja, Gover and Urquiola, Miguel (2001). Capitalization, Regulation and the Poor : Access to Basic Services in Bolivia. UNU-WIDER. 561  
Ros, Jaime (1989). Capital Mobility and Policy Effectiveness in a Solvency Crisis : The Mexican Economy in the 1980s. UNU-WIDER. 201  
Griffith-Jones, Stephany (1997). Causes and Lessons of the Mexican Peso Crisis. UNU-WIDER. 690  
Pomfret, Richard (2010). Central Asia after Two Decades of Independence. UNU-WIDER. 578  
Epstein, Gerald (2006). Central Banks as Agents of Economic Development. UNU-WIDER. 564  
Jirón, Paola (2011). Challenges for Latin American Cities Improving Diagnosis or the Need to Shift the Understanding Urban Inequality from Fixed Enclaves to Mobile Gradients. UNU-WIDER. 525  
Yawe, Bruno Lule (2014). Changes in Climatic Factors and Malaria in Uganda. UNU-WIDER. 388  
Keifman, Saúl and Maurizio, Roxana (2012). Changes in Labour Market Conditions and Policies : Their Impact on Wage Inequality During the Last Decade. UNU-WIDER. 467  
Otsuka, Keijiro and Place, Frank (2014). Changes in Land Tenure and Agricultural Intensification in Sub-Saharan Africa. UNU-WIDER. 421  
Li, Shi (2001). Changes in Poverty Profile in China. UNU-WIDER. 534  
Fuwa, Nobuhiko and Balisacan, Arsenio M. (2004). Changes in Spatial Income Inequality in the Philippines : An Exploratory Analysis. UNU-WIDER. 534  
Li, Shi and Zhao, Renwei (2007). Changes in the Distribution of Wealth in China 1995-2002. UNU-WIDER. 645  
Foster, Mick and Fozzard, Adrian (2001). Changing Approaches to Public Expenditure Management in Low-Income Aid Dependent Countries. UNU-WIDER. 534  
Hillbom, Ellen and Bolt, Jutta (2015). Changing Income Inequality and Structural Transformation The Case of Botswana 1921-2010. UNU-WIDER. 540  
Baye, Francis Menjo (2007). Changing Land-tenure Arrangements and Access to Primary Assets under Globalization : A Case Study of Two Villages in Anglophone Cameroon. UNU-WIDER. 528  
Endale, Derseh (1996). Changing Patterns of Employment and Unemployment in Africa : A Comparative Perspective on Four Sub-Saharan Countries. UNU-WIDER. 591  
Nissanke, Machiko and Thorbecke, Erik (2005). Channels and Policy Debate in the Globalization-Inequality-Poverty Nexus. UNU-WIDER. 669  
Fant, Charles and Gunturu, Udaya Bhaskar (2013). Characterizing Wind Power Resource Reliability in Southern Africa. UNU-WIDER. 450  
Bhalotra, Sonia R. (2006). Childhood Mortality and Economic Growth. UNU-WIDER. 550  
Narciso, Gaia and Newman, Carol (2015). Children and the youth in rural Viet Nam. UNU-WIDER. 542  
Dendir, Seife (2013). Children’s Endowment, Schooling, and Work in Ethiopia. UNU-WIDER. 426  
Wang, Yan and Lin, Justin Yifu (2014). China-Africa Co-operation in Structural Transformation : Ideas, Opportunities, and Finances. UNU-WIDER. 426  
Santos-Paulino, Amelia U. (2010). China and India : Country Role Models of Development Success?. UNU-WIDER. 601  
Henderson, Jeffrey W. (2008). China and the Future of the Developing World : The Coming Global-Asian Era and its Consequences. UNU-WIDER. 570  
Nayyar, Deepak (2008). China, India, Brazil and South Africa in the World Economy : Engines of Growth?. UNU-WIDER. 655  
Batorova, Ivana and Fidrmuc, Jarko (2008). China in the World Economy : Dynamic Correlation Analysis of Business Cycles. UNU-WIDER. 638  
Wan, Guanghua and Zhang, Yin (2004). China's Business Cycles : Perspectives from an AD-AS Model. UNU-WIDER. 600  
Khan, Haider A. (2008). China’s Development Strategy and Energy Security : Growth, Distribution and Regional Cooperation. UNU-WIDER. 591