UNU-GCM Policy Briefs

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Amrith, Megha (2014). Building City Identities in Contexts of Diversity. Mayoral Forum for Mobility, Migration and Development, Barcelona. UNU-GCM. 622  
Amrith, Megha (2015). Practicing diversity. UNU-GCM. 451  
Corendea, Cosmin, Bello, Valeria and Bryar, Timothy (2015). Promoting human security and minimizing conflict associated with forced migration in the Pacific region. Pacific Policy Brief. Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, UNU-GCM, UNU-EHS. 865  
Amrith, Megha (2016). Protection and Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees in Vulnerable Situations within Urban Centres. Third Mayoral Forum on Mobility, Migration and Development. United Nations University Institute on Globalization, Culture and Mobility. 391  
Bloom, Tendayi (2013). Statement on the use of private actors in migration enforcement and the effects of this on vulnerable migrants. UN High Level Dialogue on International Migration and Development. UNU-GCM. 459 117
Bloom, Tendayi (2017). The Critical Role of Civil Society in the Development of Global Migration Governance Frameworks. United Nations University Institute on Globalization, Culture and Mobility. 405  
Bello, Valeria (2018). The Role of NGOs and Civil Society to Support Migrants as Actors of Sustainable Development. United Nations University Institute on Globalization, Culture and Mobility. 338