Designing Simple Organizations and Complex Jobs

de Sitter, Lamoraal Ulbo, Dankbaar, Ben and den Hertog, Friso (1994). Designing Simple Organizations and Complex Jobs. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT.

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  • Sub-type Working paper
    Author de Sitter, Lamoraal Ulbo
    Dankbaar, Ben
    den Hertog, Friso
    Title Designing Simple Organizations and Complex Jobs
    Series Title UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda
    Volume/Issue No. 12
    Publication Date 1994
    Place of Publication the Netherlands
    Publisher UNU-MERIT
    Pages 18
    Language eng
    Abstract Organization redesign has become widely accepted as a regular task for managements. However, organization design still seems to be a neglected area in organization science. This paper emphasizes the importance of design theory and design-oriented research. It does so by referring to European design-oriented traditions in organization science. The potential role of design theory is exemplified by the description of the Socio-Technical Organization Design (STOD), a design theory grounded in practical experience in the Netherlands. The essence of this approach lies in the changeover from complex organizations offering simple jobs into simple organizations offering complex jobs. The paper points to opportunities to make organization research more relevant to organization practice.
    Copyright Holder N/A
    Copyright Year 1994
    Copyright type All rights reserved
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