Chapter 19—Challenges and opportunities for sustainable development in European mountains (Europe—Introduction)
Schneiderbauer, Stefan, "Chapter 19—Challenges and opportunities for sustainable development in European mountains (Europe—Introduction)" in Safeguarding Mountain Social-Ecological Systems: Building Transformative Resilience in Mountain Regions Worldwide ed. Schneiderbauer, Stefan, Fontanella Pisa, Paola, Shroder, John and Szarzynski, Joerg (Amsterdam: Elsevier Inc., 2024), 153-156.
Document type:
Book Chapter
Author Schneiderbauer, Stefan Book Editor Schneiderbauer, Stefan
Fontanella Pisa, Paola
Shroder, John
Szarzynski, JoergChapter Title Chapter 19—Challenges and opportunities for sustainable development in European mountains (Europe—Introduction) Book Title Safeguarding Mountain Social-Ecological Systems: Building Transformative Resilience in Mountain Regions Worldwide Publication Date 2024 Place of Publication Amsterdam Publisher Elsevier Inc. Start page 153 End page 156 Language eng Abstract This article introduces the book section on European mountains. There are over 10 major mountain ranges in Europe that affect the European climate and have shaped Europe’s history, society, and economy. Irrespective of their heterogeneity, European mountains are in general characterized by a relatively cold and harsh climate and a complex topography, which generates very particular habitats leading to rich biodiversity. European mountains are under increasing pressure and stress due to climate change–induced elevation-dependent warming, biodiversity loss, increase of extreme weather events that modify natural hazard processes, depopulation/aging population in remote rural mountain areas, or the increase of freight traffic on major transport corridors. At the same time, most European mountain areas lie within countries of strong economies with the potential to develop and implement measures required to adapt to changes or to mitigate potential physical, economic, or social damages. Overall, Europe’s mountains offer excellent opportunities for pathways to sustainable development that can have benefits for all of society. Investing in such efforts is worthwhile given the benefits these mountain systems bring to the continent as a whole. Copyright Holder Elsevier Inc. Copyright Year 2024 Copyright type All rights reserved DOI 10.1016/B978-0-443-32824-4.00040-7 -
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