Effective Support for Communities Experiencing Climate Mobilities: Lessons from the Climate Justice Resilience Fund Grant Portfolio (2017 – 2024)

Durand-Delacre, David, Van Schie, Douwe, Anjum, Humaira, Kariuki, Weru, Link, Ann-Christine, Oakes, Robert, Thalheimer, Lisa and van der Geest, Kees (2024). Effective Support for Communities Experiencing Climate Mobilities: Lessons from the Climate Justice Resilience Fund Grant Portfolio (2017 – 2024). Climate Justice Resilience Fund.

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  • Sub-type Research report
    Author Durand-Delacre, David
    Van Schie, Douwe
    Anjum, Humaira
    Kariuki, Weru
    Link, Ann-Christine
    Oakes, Robert
    Thalheimer, Lisa
    van der Geest, Kees
    Title Effective Support for Communities Experiencing Climate Mobilities: Lessons from the Climate Justice Resilience Fund Grant Portfolio (2017 – 2024)
    Publication Date 2024-08
    Place of Publication Bonn
    Publisher Climate Justice Resilience Fund
    Pages 54
    Language eng
    Abstract This report reviews 11 CJRF grants that address challenges arising from diverse climate mobilities. The CJRF-funded projects were implemented by partner organizations working closely with communities, between 2017 and 2024 in Alaska, Bangladesh, and the Pacific. These 11 grants offer a rare opportunity to identify the kinds of community-led projects and initiatives that effectively address challenges arising from climate-related displacement, relocation, migration and immobility, at a time when these are a growing concern for people around the world but few funders of any size provide dedicated funding with this thematic focus. The report provides an inventory of activities carried out by partners. From this, it distills recommendations on four themes: (1) principles to guide climate mobility projects adopting human rights and climate justice lenses; (2) promoting participatory approaches and community leadership; (3) the relationship between climate mobilities and losses and damages, both economic and non-economic; and (4) effective grant making practice: what makes a “good climate mobility grant”. These recommendations can guide not only CJRF’s future grantmaking but also other philanthropic funders and international policy advocates supporting communities dealing with challenges and difficult decisions pertaining to diverse climate mobilities.
    Keyword Funding
    Climate mobilities
    Loss and damage
    Copyright Holder The Authors
    Copyright Year 2024
    Copyright type Creative commons
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    Created: Thu, 29 Aug 2024, 16:20:41 JST by Aarti Basnyat on behalf of UNU EHS