How land management approaches meet key criteria for addressing global goals
Hartmann, Lisa, Hansohm, Jonas, Domingos Vellozo, Leticia, Walinder, Elizabeth, Walz, Yvonne, Orr, Barron J. and Andreeva, Olga (2024). How land management approaches meet key criteria for addressing global goals. United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security.
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Attached Files (Some files may be inaccessible until you login with your UNU Collections credentials) Name Description MIMEType Size Downloads n20240710_Align4LDN_Policy-Brief_v07_single_FINAL.pdf 20240710_Align4LDN Policy-Brief v07 single FINAL.pdf application/pdf; 1.57MB -
Sub-type Policy brief Author Hartmann, Lisa
Hansohm, Jonas
Domingos Vellozo, Leticia
Walinder, Elizabeth
Walz, Yvonne
Orr, Barron J.
Andreeva, OlgaTitle How land management approaches meet key criteria for addressing global goals Publication Date 2024-08-19 Place of Publication Bonn Publisher United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security Pages 6 Language eng Abstract Land and water management approaches that address environmental and social challenges have been gaining importance in recent years. Several of these approaches are well known, while others have been only recently developed. These approaches have different names, specific objectives and principles and may employ different methods and technologies. At their core, however, all have the potential to address land degradation and desertification, to mitigate drought and to deliver many other environmental, economic and/or social co-benefits. The well-known concepts of land degradation neutrality (LDN) and sustainable land management (SLM) offer benchmarks against which land and water management approaches can be assessed. Understanding how well aligned these approaches are with SLM and LDN can help different communities that solve similar problems to work together to remedy global environmental challenges. To explore this opportunity more systematically, the Parties of the UNCCD requested an assessment of approaches that may contribute to the sustainable management of land and water resources and to the achievement of LDN (UNCCD Decision 19/COP.15/23/Add.1). This brief present the assessment conducted to understand alignment of land and water management approaches with SLM and LDN and its supporting report aim to guide UNCCD parties in planning and evaluating land and water management projects, leveraging policy and donor support and advancing both SLM and LDN. UNBIS Thesaurus FOOD SECURITY Keyword Sustainable land and water management
Land degradation neutrality
Ecosystem health
Human well-beingCopyright Holder United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security Copyright Year 2024 Copyright type Creative commons -
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