Kanyepi, Tarisai, Cheo, Ambe Emmanuel, Sanchez Santillano, Alberto, Tambo, Erick G., Dibba, Lamin, Demba, Trewally, Jallow, Demba B. and Ceesay, Mustapha ed. AgriVoltaics2022 2022/06/16 Piacenza. Freiburg: AIP Publishing, 2022.
Document type:
Conference Proceeding
Attached Files (Some files may be inaccessible until you login with your UNU Collections credentials) Name Description MIMEType Size Downloads Kanyepi_et_al__Agrivoltaics_across_WEF_Nexus.pdf Kanyepi_et_al__Agrivoltaics_across_WEF_Nexus.pdf application/pdf 244.79KB -
Sub-type Conference proceedings Author Kanyepi, Tarisai
Cheo, Ambe Emmanuel
Sanchez Santillano, Alberto
Tambo, Erick G.
Dibba, Lamin
Demba, Trewally
Jallow, Demba B.
Ceesay, MustaphaTitle of Event AgriVoltaics2022 Date of Event 2022/06/16 Place of Event Piacenza Organizer Fraunhofer ISE Publication Date 2022-12-12 Place of Publication Freiburg Publisher AIP Publishing Pages n/a Language eng Abstract The projected increase in demand for food, water, and energy owing to systemic shocks has heightened the need for innovative solutions. The Agrovoltaics for Mali and Gambia (APV MaGa) Project focuses on sustainable electricity production leveraged with digital technologies,however the nascence of agrovoltaics to the continent and to The Gambia presents demands a policy and institutional foresight of potential implications of agrovoltaics integration. The study adopted a qualitative research design using a sample of twenty-eight key informant interviews, policy document analysis and grey literature. Research findings revealed that supportive policy provisions for agrivoltaics exist yet few gaps remain at policy level and in practice, the nexus-institutional harmonization, sectoral biases and technical/financial incapacities remain. Therefore, harmonization of sectoral divergent policy provisions, interests and prioritization of sustainability concerns will foster the integration of agrivoltaics pertinent for fast expansion. UNBIS Thesaurus DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY Keyword Agrivoltaics
Smart agriculture
WEF nexusCopyright Holder United Nations University Copyright Year 2022 Copyright type Fair use permitted DOI 10.1063/12.0011885 -
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