Contestations of the Liberal International Order: A Populist Script of Regional Cooperation
Söderbaum, Fredrik, Pacciardi, Agnese and Spandler, Killian, Contestations of the Liberal International Order: A Populist Script of Regional Cooperation, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021).
Document type:
Author Söderbaum, Fredrik
Pacciardi, Agnese
Spandler, KillianTitle Contestations of the Liberal International Order: A Populist Script of Regional Cooperation Series Title Elements in International Relations Publication Date 2021 Place of Publication Cambridge Publisher Cambridge University Press Pages 90 Language eng Abstract A seemingly never-ending stream of observers claims that the populist emphasis on nationalism, identity, and popular sovereignty undermines international collaboration and contributes to the crisis of the Liberal International Order (LIO). Why, then, do populist governments continue to engage in regional and international institutions? This Element unpacks the counter-intuitive inclination towards institutional cooperation in populist foreign policy and discusses its implications for the LIO. Straddling Western and non-Western contexts, it compares the regional cooperation strategies of populist leaders from three continents: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, former Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez, and Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte. The study identifies an emerging populist 'script' of regional cooperation based on notions of popular sovereignty. By embedding regional cooperation in their political strategies, populist leaders are able to contest the LIO and established international organisations without having to revert to unilateral nationalism. Copyright Holder The Author(s) Copyright Year 2021 Copyright type All rights reserved ISBN 9781009030915 -
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