Econometric evaluation of the SEWA Bank in India - Applying matching techniques based on the propensity score

Augsburg, Britta (2006). Econometric evaluation of the SEWA Bank in India - Applying matching techniques based on the propensity score.

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  • Author Augsburg, Britta
    Title Econometric evaluation of the SEWA Bank in India - Applying matching techniques based on the propensity score
    Publication Date 2006
    Abstract This study assesses whether the microfinance institution SEWA Bank, India, is meeting its objective of raising its members' income. A cross-sectional analysis is undertaken to assess the overall income effect of being a member as well and the effect of being a first-time as compared to repeat borrower. Results suggest that while being a member has a positive and significant effect on income, taking a first loan does not. The latter finding is stressed in a longitudinal setting, applying Difference-in-Differences techniques. The effect of taking a first loan is estimated to be negative and highly insignificant. This confirms the hypothesis that positive effects of microfinance are not a matter of shortterm interventions.
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