Mediterranean Lasagne of Migration Governance: What is the Way Forward for the Regions in Governing the Euromestic Sphere? An EU-Centric Perspective

Šime, Zane (2021). Mediterranean Lasagne of Migration Governance: What is the Way Forward for the Regions in Governing the Euromestic Sphere? An EU-Centric Perspective. UNU-CRIS Working Paper. UNU Insitute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies.

Document type:

  • Subtitle Working Paper
    Sub-type Working paper
    Author Šime, Zane
    Title Mediterranean Lasagne of Migration Governance: What is the Way Forward for the Regions in Governing the Euromestic Sphere? An EU-Centric Perspective
    Series Title UNU-CRIS Working Paper
    Volume/Issue No. 2021/2
    Publication Date 2021
    Place of Publication Bruges
    Publisher UNU Insitute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies
    Pages 89
    Language eng
    Abstract The European migration crisis is a resourceful case for analysing the evolution of complex interregionalism. The Mediterranean turbulences shed light on the challenges associated with the existing modes of multilateral cooperation. The strengths, deficiencies and challenges of the multi-layered migration governance identified amidst the European migration crisis should be considered valuable empirical developments for further academic reflection on the evolution of multi-level, multilateral and issue-specific governance. An initial exploration of interregional interactions proves that each multilateral setting creates unique dynamics, issue framing and perceptions of viable solutions which do not complement neat and hierarchical multi-level governance. If a single Mediterranean space is a subject of discussions and joint actions for more than ten multilateral constellations (with similar-yet-distinct membership composition) what does it say about interest articulation and representation towards the United Nations in the context of the best modalities for the neo-Westphalian world order?
    Copyright Holder UNU Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies
    Copyright Year 2021
    Copyright type All rights reserved
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    Created: Thu, 18 Apr 2024, 21:31:40 JST by Masovic, Ajsela on behalf of UNU CRIS