Analysis of the Gender Dimension in the Green Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Africa
Hartl Kiyuvo, Judith, Kachumi, Nambula, Phiri, Lelemba, Khambata, Rizwaan, Tambo, Erick G., Nguedia, Axel and Kanyepi, Tarisai (2023). Analysis of the Gender Dimension in the Green Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Africa. United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security.
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Sub-type Research report Author Hartl Kiyuvo, Judith
Kachumi, Nambula
Phiri, Lelemba
Khambata, Rizwaan
Tambo, Erick G.
Nguedia, Axel
Kanyepi, TarisaiTitle Analysis of the Gender Dimension in the Green Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Africa Publication Date 2023-09 Place of Publication Bonn Publisher United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security Pages 73 Language eng Abstract Women entrepreneurs in Africa play a pivotal role in driving sustainable development, constituting a significant portion of the continent's self-employed population. However, despite their critical contributions, they face persistent challenges, particularly within the green sector. This report investigates the unique hurdles faced by women entrepreneurs in green innovation, including limited access to markets, finance, networks, and supportive policies. The report highlights the multifaceted challenges encountered by women entrepreneurs, such as gender biases, limited market information, and cultural norms that hinder decision-making authority. Furthermore, the existing support mechanisms aimed at nurturing women's green entrepreneurship, focusing on capacity building, networking, access to finance and markets, policy support, and research and development initiatives are examined. To address these challenges effectively, a comprehensive approach that recognizes women's diverse roles across the green ecosystem is outlined with interventions at each stage of the entrepreneurial journey, including business formation, validation, and growth. These interventions encompass increased pre-seed financing, mentorship programs, innovative funding mechanisms, and gender-inclusive market access initiatives. Through collaboration among stakeholders including governments, businesses, investors, and support organizations, the importance of prioritizing women's participation in Africa's green economy is underscored. By implementing targeted strategies and fostering an enabling environment, the full potential of women entrepreneurs can be unlocked, driving inclusive and sustainable growth across the continent's green sector. UNBIS Thesaurus AFRICA
ENTREPRENEURSHIPKeyword Green innovation
Gender dimensionCopyright Holder United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security Copyright Year 2023 Copyright type All rights reserved -
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