Stakeholders' awareness of urban form effects on rooftop solar photovoltaic in Ghana: Implications for integrated solar energy and urban planning
Akrofi, Mark M., Okitasari, Mahesti and Korwatanasakul, Upalat, (2024). Stakeholders' awareness of urban form effects on rooftop solar photovoltaic in Ghana: Implications for integrated solar energy and urban planning. Energy for Sustainable Development, 78(February 2024), n/a-n/a
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Sub-type Journal article Author Akrofi, Mark M.
Okitasari, Mahesti
Korwatanasakul, UpalatTitle Stakeholders' awareness of urban form effects on rooftop solar photovoltaic in Ghana: Implications for integrated solar energy and urban planning Appearing in Energy for Sustainable Development Volume 78 Issue No. February 2024 Publication Date 2024-01-13 Place of Publication Amsterdam, Netherlands Publisher Elsevier B.V. Start page n/a End page n/a Language eng Abstract Integrating solar energy considerations into urban planning practices, a socio-technical and multi-stakeholder approach known as solar urban planning, is essential for maximizing solar photovoltaic (PV) potential in the built environment. While the need for such an approach is articulated in solar energy studies and urban planning, very few research explore the extent to which key stakeholders critical to this process are aware of the connections between urban form and rooftop solar PV and its implication for solar urban planning. This study examines stakeholders' awareness of the effects of selected urban form attributes on residential rooftop solar PV and its implications for solar urban planning in Ghana. Primary data were collected using surveys and interviews of households, real estate developers, licensed solar home system (SHS) installation companies, and government agencies responsible for energy and urban planning. SHS installation companies affirmed that buildings' roof type and shape, roofing material, the height of neighboring buildings, and the trees' position significantly affect rooftop solar PV installation and performance in Ghana. However, households have a low awareness of how these urban form attributes affect rooftop solar PV. Despite the affirmed effects of urban form on rooftop PV, current planning legislations do not necessitate considering such systems in preparing urban and building plans. A robust institutional collaboration is necessary among urban planning authorities, energy regulators, and real estate developers to develop effective strategies for solar urban planning in Ghana. UNBIS Thesaurus URBAN PLANNING
SOLAR ENERGYKeyword Building-integrated photovoltaics
Built environment
Sustainable cities and communitiesCopyright Holder The Authors Copyright Year 2024 Copyright type Creative commons DOI 10.1016/j.esd.2024.101377 -
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