Communication with local governments
Lameiras, Mariana, Soares, Delfina and Amaral, Luís, "Communication with local governments" ICEGOV 2022, Guimarães, 2022/10/04-07.
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Conference Publication
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Sub-type Conference paper Author Lameiras, Mariana
Soares, Delfina
Amaral, LuísTitle Communication with local governments Event Series ICEGOV 2022 Publication Date 2022-10-04 Place of Publication Guimarães Publisher Association for Computing Machinery Pages 309-315 Title of Event ICEGOV 2022 Date of Event 2022/10/04-07 Place of Event Guimarães Language eng Abstract Digital government remains high in research and policy agendas. Public institutions reinvent themselves to follow the transformation process and keep up with the innovations. At the local level, e-government responsiveness lies at the heart of local e-government strategies for better and more efficient service delivery and encompasses aspects such as accountability of public institutions, citizen’s trust in government and satisfaction. This paper is inscribed in a series of studies aimed at assessing the web presence of local governments and focuses specifically on the results obtained for the assessment of e-mail usage in the communication between municipalities and citizens. While the results indicate positive signs on the timeliness and quality of the replies provided, some questions remain about the responsiveness capacity of the different recipients (Services of the municipalities, Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Opponent Councilor) in its full potential, namely due to a prominent ‘no reply’ stance. There is still margin for improvement in the interaction between governments and citizens via electronic mail. Keyword e-mail
local e-government
communication with governmentCopyright Holder Association for Computing Machinery Copyright Year 2022 Copyright type Creative commons ISBN 9781450396356 DOI 10.1145/3560107.3560303 -
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