Integrating men into reproductive health - The "Ecole des Maris" program in Niger
Aïssa Diarra, Abdou Moussa Ismaguel, Souley Djibo Issaou, Michelle De Jong and Asha George (2023). Integrating men into reproductive health - The "Ecole des Maris" program in Niger. What Works? Integrating gender into Government Health programmes in Africa, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. UNU International Institute for Global Health.
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Author Aïssa Diarra
Abdou Moussa Ismaguel
Souley Djibo Issaou
Michelle De Jong
Asha GeorgeTitle Integrating men into reproductive health - The "Ecole des Maris" program in Niger Series Title What Works? Integrating gender into Government Health programmes in Africa, South Asia, and Southeast Asia Publication Date 2023-12 Place of Publication Kuala Lumpur Publisher UNU International Institute for Global Health Pages 12 Language eng Abstract This case study focuses on the Ecole des Maris (EdM) programme in Niger, where men were actively engaged in a reproductive health program to promote behavior change and improve women's reproductive health. The success of the intervention lies in the improvement of women's sexual and reproductive health indicators and, to a lesser extent, initial changes in the gendered nature of health care decision making. The program was selected as a promising practice due some of these successes, alongwith the nationwide and regional expansion of the programme, as well as the commitment of the government and local communities. Copyright Holder Authors Copyright Year 2023 Copyright type All rights reserved DOI -
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