Stories of loss and healing: connecting non‑economic losses and damages, gender‑based violence and wellbeing erosion in the Asia–Pacific region

Ayeb-Karlsson, Sonja, Chandra, Alvin and McNamara, Karen, (2023). Stories of loss and healing: connecting non‑economic losses and damages, gender‑based violence and wellbeing erosion in the Asia–Pacific region. Climatic Change, 176(11), n/a-n/a

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  • Sub-type Journal article
    Author Ayeb-Karlsson, Sonja
    Chandra, Alvin
    McNamara, Karen
    Title Stories of loss and healing: connecting non‑economic losses and damages, gender‑based violence and wellbeing erosion in the Asia–Pacific region
    Appearing in Climatic Change
    Volume 176
    Issue No. 11
    Publication Date 2023-11-14
    Place of Publication Cham
    Publisher Springer Nature
    Start page n/a
    End page n/a
    Language eng
    Abstract It is well-known that women, children, and other intersectional and marginalised social groups are disproportionately impacted by ‘non-economic wellbeing loss’ in the context of climatic changes. However, few empirical studies investigate its interrelation with violence against women and children (VAWC). We urgently need to widen our perceptions of what falls under the umbrella term ‘Non-Economic Loss (and Damage)’, NEL(D)s, for societies to appropriately be able to avert, minimise, and address losses and damages among vulnerable people. Though stories of loss and healing, we step into the realities of illustrating how women and children experience non-economic wellbeing loss within a climate-violence nexus in Bangladesh, Fiji, and Vanuatu. A storytelling and systems analysis approach guided the analysis of personal narratives gathered through a secondary data review and empirical field work. The research findings identified different pathways through which women and children’s mental health was compromised in the context of structural violence and climatic risks. In Bangladesh, the narratives described wellbeing erosion in the context of gendered (im)mobility; in Fiji, the findings captured women’s and children’s experiences of sexual violence, domestic abuse, exploitation, and trafficking in the context of natural hazards, while in Vanuatu, hardship, gendered dependence, and healing were narrated by women in their stories surrounding disaster recovery. This article comprehensively lays out the longer-term societal wellbeing consequences of climatic changes and gender-based violence. It also identifies research gaps in need of further attention and proposes policy recommendations as well as methodological and disaster health service solutions to address wellbeing loss in a climate changed future.
    Keyword Coercive control
    Non-economic loss and damage
    Storytelling methodology
    Copyright Holder The Authors
    Copyright Year 2023
    Copyright type Creative commons
    DOI 10.1007/s10584-023-03624-y
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