Closing the Gap on City Climate Finance in Developing Countries
Okitasari, Mahesti, Liu, Wenjie, Kandpal, Richa and Morita, Kanako (2023). Closing the Gap on City Climate Finance in Developing Countries. UNU-IAS Policy Brief series. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.
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Sub-type Policy brief Author Okitasari, Mahesti
Liu, Wenjie
Kandpal, Richa
Morita, KanakoTitle Closing the Gap on City Climate Finance in Developing Countries Series Title UNU-IAS Policy Brief series Volume/Issue No. 42 Publication Date 2023-07 Place of Publication Tokyo Publisher United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability Pages IV, 4 Language eng Abstract Addressing sustainable urban development issues and delivering the finance needed for climate mitigation and adaptation require closing the city finance gap. Structural changes and improved capacity for city climate finance in developing countries are necessary to overcome the prevalent barriers to accessing available financing. Well-designed and well-managed city climate finance is key for effective interventions to unlock investments and deliver implementation. This policy brief offers the following recommendations to local policymakers in developing economies to overcome critical obstacles to closing cities’ climate finance gaps: (i) prepare city-level climate finance plans and investment strategies; (ii) diversify financial approaches and build community-driven sustainability financing; (iii) improve internal capacity, information disclosure, and prudential regulations; (iv) develop bankable projects and provide incentives to strengthen private sector engagement. UNBIS Thesaurus PUBLIC FINANCE
CAPACITY BUILDINGKeyword City finances
Climate actionCopyright Holder United Nations University Copyright Year 2023 Copyright type All rights reserved ISSN 24093017 DOI -
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