Understanding the Links between Social Protection and Migration in Low- and Middle-income Countries
Jessica Hagen-Zanker, Jason Gagnon and Carmen Himmelstine (2023). Understanding the Links between Social Protection and Migration in Low- and Middle-income Countries. United Nations University.
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Sub-type Discussion paper Author Jessica Hagen-Zanker
Jason Gagnon
Carmen HimmelstineTitle Understanding the Links between Social Protection and Migration in Low- and Middle-income Countries Publication Date 2023-06-15 Place of Publication New York Publisher United Nations University Pages 20 Language eng Abstract Drawing on evidence collated in a comprehensive literature review, this discussion paper asks the question: “What are the effects that publicly-mandated social protection programmes in countries of origin exert on migration decisions?” It considers migration decisions taken either by individuals or collectively at the household level. UNBIS Thesaurus INTERNAL MIGRATION
MIGRATIONKeyword Migration
Social protectionCopyright Holder United Nations University Copyright Year 2023 Copyright type Creative commons ISBN 9789280866025 -
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