Detecting Financial Flows of Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery: A Guide to Automated Transaction Monitoring
Frank Haberstroh and Simon Zaugg (2023). Detecting Financial Flows of Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery: A Guide to Automated Transaction Monitoring. United Nations University.
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Sub-type Technical report Author Frank Haberstroh
Simon ZauggTitle Detecting Financial Flows of Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery: A Guide to Automated Transaction Monitoring Publication Date 2023-04-28 Place of Publication New York Publisher United Nations University Pages 30 Language eng Abstract A different approach is needed to support financial institutions in better detecting suspicious flows stemming from modern slavery and human trafficking (MS/HT). This should lead to more Suspicious Activity Reports, investigations, and convictions, as well as assets being frozen and confiscated. The goal of this report is to provide clear and comprehensive guidance for financial institutions in the traditional banking sector on how illicit flows from MS/HT can be monitored and detected based on automated transaction monitoring. UNBIS Thesaurus FINANCIAL FLOWS
TRAFFICKING IN PERSONSKeyword Modern slavery
Human trafficking
MonitoringCopyright Holder United Nations University Copyright Year 2023 Copyright type Creative commons ISBN 9789280865981 -
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