Leaving No One Behind in Carbon Neutrality Strategies: Insights from Developing Countries in Asia and the Pacific
Okitasari, Mahesti and Korwatanasakul, Upalat (2023). Leaving No One Behind in Carbon Neutrality Strategies: Insights from Developing Countries in Asia and the Pacific. UNU-IAS Policy Brief series. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.
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Sub-type Policy brief Author Okitasari, Mahesti
Korwatanasakul, UpalatTitle Leaving No One Behind in Carbon Neutrality Strategies: Insights from Developing Countries in Asia and the Pacific Series Title UNU-IAS Policy Brief series Volume/Issue No. 39 Publication Date 2023-04 Place of Publication Tokyo Publisher United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability Pages IV, 4 Language eng Abstract This policy brief offers strategies to operationalise the principle of 'leaving no one behind' (LNOB) in climate policies, focusing on developing countries. It is based on key areas of progress identified in the long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies (LTSs) of eight developing countries in Asia and the Pacific. Recommendations: (i) sustain decent work and reinforce labour rights to mitigate disruptions caused by the transition; (ii) combine climate initiatives with social protection measures to maintain an adequate standard of living for all; (iii) promote investments in inclusive climate projects and establish financial inclusion regulations; and (iv) establish a people-centred and gender-sensitive monitoring, reporting, and evaluation process. Keyword Carbon neutrality
Climate policy
Developing countries
Vulnerable populationCopyright Holder United Nations University Copyright Year 2023 Copyright type All rights reserved ISSN 24093017 DOI https://doi.org/10.53326/ZFHC4987 -
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