Economic Valuation for ABS—A Paradigm to Capture Multiple Priorities and Values

Subramanian, Suneetha M., Pisupati, Balakrishna, Nelliyat, Prakash, Poojar, Ishwar, Burton, Geoffrey, Oldham, Paul and Haripriya, G., "Economic Valuation for ABS—A Paradigm to Capture Multiple Priorities and Values" in Biodiversity Conservation Through Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS): Himalayas and Indian Sub-Continent (Cham, Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2023), 301-310.

Document type:
Book Chapter

  • Author Subramanian, Suneetha M.
    Pisupati, Balakrishna
    Nelliyat, Prakash
    Poojar, Ishwar
    Burton, Geoffrey
    Oldham, Paul
    Haripriya, G.
    Chapter Title Economic Valuation for ABS—A Paradigm to Capture Multiple Priorities and Values
    Book Title Biodiversity Conservation Through Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS): Himalayas and Indian Sub-Continent
    Publication Date 2023-01-19
    Place of Publication Cham, Switzerland
    Publisher Springer Cham
    Start page 301
    End page 310
    Language eng
    Abstract The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) urges its member countries and other stakeholders to engage in plural values approach to implementing its core mandate of conserving biodiversity (CBD, 1992; Aichi Target 1). This is a key principle for the CBD’s third objective of ensuring equitable share of benefits arising from the commercial use of genetic resources with all those involved in the value chain (Access and Benefit Sharing–ABS). Valuation for ABS therefore entails ensuring equity amongst the different stakeholders, which then is dependent on the factors such as knowledge associated with use of a species, the contribution of this knowledge towards increasing the probability of developing a successful product and/or in reducing costs of development, potential income that may be generated over a reasonable period of time which again is dependent on the type of sector that utilizes the species. This then links valuation for ABS to more plural approaches as it looks at economic values and intangible values (e.g., associated traditional knowledge). Issues of species population status and their endemicity also need to be factored in. In this paper, we highlight how a more systematic plural approach to undertaking valuation for ABS can set a reasonable baseline for negotiations between providers and users of genetic resources. For this we have used actual estimates of costs, returns and business models from the traditional medicine (Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani) sector in India. Our analysis also indicates that uncertainties relating to resource availability should be factored in entry restrictions to users.
    UNBIS Thesaurus EQUITY
    Keyword Access and benefit sharing
    Economic valuation for ABS
    Plural valuation
    Copyright Holder The Authors
    Copyright Year 2023
    Copyright type All rights reserved
    ISBN 9783031161865
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    Created: Tue, 14 Mar 2023, 12:40:08 JST by Hanna Takemoto on behalf of UNU IAS