Transferring to family and friends: A review of the motives, evidence, and the role of economics

Tomini, Florian (2010). Transferring to family and friends: A review of the motives, evidence, and the role of economics.

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  • Author Tomini, Florian
    Title Transferring to family and friends: A review of the motives, evidence, and the role of economics
    Publication Date 2010
    Abstract Motives for private transfers have been explored by different disciplines. The views of psychologists, anthropologists and economists differ depending on the discipline and focus of the research. Most of the explanations given to date fall broadly within the two more distinct categories: altruistic and selfish behaviour. Despite the progress made in this regard, our understanding on how people behave when they interact with multiple kinship members remains still limited. This paper presents a review of the literature from various disciplines on the motives for private transfers and suggests further directions on which economics tools may be employed to better understand situations involving multiple family members and friends. This is particularly important when: (i) the giver has to decide on whether to transfer to all compeers, (ii) the decision is between giving to close family members and friends, and (iii) when external factors influence the kinship network. JEL classifications: D10, D19, D13, D64 Key words: Private transfers, motives, altruism, egoism, family, friends
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    Created: Fri, 13 Dec 2013, 12:14:40 JST