PRINCIPLE(S) MATTER: A Compilation and Review of Governance Principles in Climate and Disaster Finance
Panda, Architesh, Mirwald, Magdalena and Kreft, Soenke (2022). PRINCIPLE(S) MATTER: A Compilation and Review of Governance Principles in Climate and Disaster Finance. United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security.
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Attached Files (Some files may be inaccessible until you login with your UNU Collections credentials) Name Description MIMEType Size Downloads MCII_DiscussionPaper_PrinciplesMatter_May2022.pdf MCII_DiscussionPaper_PrinciplesMatter_May2022.pdf application/pdf 1.47MB -
Sub-type Discussion paper Author Panda, Architesh
Mirwald, Magdalena
Kreft, SoenkeTitle PRINCIPLE(S) MATTER: A Compilation and Review of Governance Principles in Climate and Disaster Finance Publication Date 2022-05 Place of Publication Bonn Publisher United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security Pages N/a Language eng Abstract One development over the past years has been the formulation of “governance principles” to influence institutional arrangements for disaster risk finance and the implementation practice by major initiative like the InsuResilience Global Partnership. MCII has published an overview about the governance principles in the space of climate and disaster finance and insurance. The assessment shows emerging principles on the political, institutional, policy, product and impacts. It includes recent policy decisions by the InsuResilience Global Partnerships’ (IGP) High Level Consultative Group including the IGP Pro Poor Principles, and the IGP Principle on SMART Premium and Capital Support. The publication is a contribution to the UNFCCC Expert Group on Comprehensive Risk Management, where MCII’s Executive Director Sönke Kreft serves as a member. The document serves as an official activity of the Plan of Action, and should inform guidance for better climate risk management developed at the climate summit at the end of 2022. UNBIS Thesaurus RISK MANAGEMENT Keyword Risk finance
Disaster finance
Climate finance
Climate insurance
Risk transfer
InsuResilienceCopyright Holder United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security Copyright Year 2022 Copyright type Fair use permitted -
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