Technical Report: Lagos floods
Higuera Roa, Oscar, O'Connor, Jack, Ogunwumi, Taiwo Seun, Ihinegbu, Christopher, Reimer Lynggaard, Josefine, Sebesvari, Zita, Eberle, Caitlyn and Koli, Margaret (2022). Technical Report: Lagos floods. Interconnected Disaster Risks 2021/2022. United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS).
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Sub-type Research report Author Higuera Roa, Oscar
O'Connor, Jack
Ogunwumi, Taiwo Seun
Ihinegbu, Christopher
Reimer Lynggaard, Josefine
Sebesvari, Zita
Eberle, Caitlyn
Koli, MargaretTitle Technical Report: Lagos floods Series Title Interconnected Disaster Risks 2021/2022 Publication Date 2022-08-31 Place of Publication Bonn Publisher United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) Pages 28 Language eng Abstract Lagos faces increasingly severe annual flooding, exacerbated by sea level rise and subsidence. In 2021, floods again submerged vehicles and houses, displacing thousands from their homes. The demand for sand in construction materials drives illegal sand mining and erosion on the coast of Nigeria, degrading ecosystems and increasing flood risk. This technical background report for the 2021/2022 edition of the Interconnected Disaster Risks report analyses the root causes, drivers, impacts and potential solutions for the Lagos floods through a forensic analysis of academic literature, media articles and expert interviews. Copyright Holder United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) Copyright Year 2022 Copyright type Creative commons DOI 10.53324/WQUH9842 -
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