A Collaborative Approach to Formulate a Public Strategy: The Experience of the Brazilian Charter for Smart Cities
Przeybilovicz, Erico and Pereira da Silva, Roberta, "A Collaborative Approach to Formulate a Public Strategy: The Experience of the Brazilian Charter for Smart Cities" 15th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV 2022), Guimarães, 2022/10/04-07.
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Sub-type Conference paper Author Przeybilovicz, Erico
Pereira da Silva, RobertaTitle A Collaborative Approach to Formulate a Public Strategy: The Experience of the Brazilian Charter for Smart Cities Event Series International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV) Publication Date 2022-11 Place of Publication New York Publisher Association for Computing Machinery Pages 546-548 Title of Event 15th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV 2022) Date of Event 2022/10/04-07 Place of Event Guimarães Language eng Abstract This article describes the experience of elaborating on a Brazilian strategy for smart cities. The elaboration process was innovative as it used co-creation mechanisms to engage a group of institutions and people involved in the topic of digital transformation in cities. Based on a design policy approach, it featured design thinking activities, workshops, working groups, listening, and online public consultation. The result was the Brazilian Charter for Smart Cities, a document that presents an agenda to address digital transformation as an opportunity for sustainable urban development in Brazil. The strategy gives eight strategic goals addressed to different stakeholders. Furthermore, a collaborative network was formed that remains active and implements the strategic goals defined in the Charter. The experience illustrates the importance of establishing collaborative and participatory processes in formulating strategies and public policies. The challenge now is implementing the goals in Brazilian municipalities, which are highly diverse and unequal, and replicating this participatory model to formulate local smart city strategies. Keyword Smart city
StrategyCopyright Holder Association for Computing Machinery Copyright Year 2022 Copyright type All rights reserved ISBN 9781450396356 DOI 10.1145/3560107.3560191 -
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