TUC City Profile: Teresina, Brazil
Turmena, Lucas, Maia, Flávia, Guerra, Flávia and Roll, Michael (2022). TUC City Profile: Teresina, Brazil. Transformative Urban Coalitions City Profiles. UNU-EHS.
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Attached Files (Some files may be inaccessible until you login with your UNU Collections credentials) Name Description MIMEType Size Downloads n20221117_TUC_City_Profile_Teresina.pdf 20221117_TUC_City_Profile_Teresina.pdf application/pdf; 3.16MB n20230213_TUC_City_Profile_Teresina_ES.pdf 20230213_TUC_City_Profile_Teresina_ES.pdf application/pdf; 1.63MB n20230213_TUC_City_Profile_Teresina_PT.pdf 20230213_TUC_City_Profile_Teresina_PT.pdf application/pdf; 1.64MB -
Author Turmena, Lucas
Maia, Flávia
Guerra, Flávia
Roll, MichaelTitle TUC City Profile: Teresina, Brazil Series Title Transformative Urban Coalitions City Profiles Volume/Issue No. 5 Publication Date 2022-11 Place of Publication Bonn Publisher UNU-EHS Pages 20 Language eng Abstract Climate injustice is obvious in Teresina. Although the city makes a small contribution to national and global emissions, it is situated in a global warming hotspot. Teresina is already affected by extreme heat, and models anticipate that it will become even hotter and drier in the coming years. The city's high vulnerability to climate change particularly affects Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (BIPOC) groups living in low-income neighbourhoods. Social injustice and racism are tied together in the urban development process of Teresina. Flood-prone areas often overlap with vulnerable neighbourhoods at the fringes of the city, resulting in precarious living conditions. Climate action at the city level must simultaneously favour racial and climate justice to promote transformative changes towards sustainability. Teresina will likely have to absorb climate-induced migration from its surroundings, which may increase the challenges of already overloaded basic services and infrastructure. Urban planning in Teresina must accommodate future projections by combining climate mitigation with adaptation to provide low-carbon and resilient development. Urban climate governance is still emerging in Teresina, which makes this a key moment for transformative action towards sustainability. Entry points for transformation in the city include: promoting vertical and horizontal coordination to implement the climate agenda; increasing climate-related technical knowledge within the municipal government and awareness at the community level; fostering collaboration to generate and disseminate municipal climate data and amplify bottom-up climate initiatives; creating new climate narratives; strengthening citizen participation while recognizing and including vulnerable groups; declaring a climate emergency; and leveraging additional public and private funds for climate action. Copyright Holder United Nations University Copyright Year 2022 Copyright type Creative commons DOI 10.53324/EYCC5652 -
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