TUC City Profile: León, Mexico
Guerra, Flávia, Caldera-Ortega, Alex, Tagle Zamora, Daniel, Zubicaray, Gorka, Adame, Acoyani, Roll, Michael and Turmena, Lucas (2022). TUC City Profile: León, Mexico. Transformative Urban Coalitions City Profiles. United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security.
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Attached Files (Some files may be inaccessible until you login with your UNU Collections credentials) Name Description MIMEType Size Downloads n20221115_TUC__City_Profile_Leon.pdf 20221115_TUC__City_Profile_Leon.pdf application/pdf; 1.95MB n20230221_TUC__City_Profile_Leon_ES.pdf 20230221_TUC__City_Profile_Leon_ES.pdf application/pdf; 1.40MB n20230221_TUC__City_Profile_Leon_PT.pdf 20230221_TUC__City_Profile_Leon_PT.pdf application/pdf; 1.40MB -
Author Guerra, Flávia
Caldera-Ortega, Alex
Tagle Zamora, Daniel
Zubicaray, Gorka
Adame, Acoyani
Roll, Michael
Turmena, LucasTitle TUC City Profile: León, Mexico Series Title Transformative Urban Coalitions City Profiles Volume/Issue No. 2 Publication Date 2022-11 Place of Publication Bonn Publisher United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security Pages 18 Language eng Abstract Economic dynamism has been maintained at the expense of rising socio-environmental issues in León, namely the deterioration of air and water quality, the overexploitation of groundwater sources, soil erosion and contamination, deforestation, loss of biodiversity, urban sprawl and inequality. These issues contribute to, and are worsened by, climate change. Climate governance in León began to materialize in the early 2010s, largely emulating the state’s legal and institutional framework. It has since progressed incrementally with each municipal administration. Nevertheless, mainstreaming of the climate agenda is hampered by several factors, including lack of effective coordination across government bodies and insufficient funding. Climate change mitigation projects implemented in León have mostly been aimed at addressing sectoral urban problems, only contributing to reducing emissions implicitly and marginally. Changing this trend requires all urban actors to explicitly integrate climate goals in their agendas and implement them collaboratively. León’s civil society has increasingly denounced social and environmental injustices associated with both public and private projects. It demands greater participation in urban decisions around topics such as air quality and transport, water, green public spaces and urban reforestation, and gender – all of which could be entry points for transformative climate action. Copyright Holder United Nations University Copyright Year 2022 Copyright type Creative commons DOI 10.53324/GJSS3214 -
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