Tap Water Quality Degradation in an Intermittent Water Supply Area
Shakya, Bijay Man, Nakamura, Takashi, Shrestha, Sadhana, Pathak, Sarad, Nishida, Kei and Malla, Rabin, (2022). Tap Water Quality Degradation in an Intermittent Water Supply Area. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 233 81-104
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Sub-type Journal article Author Shakya, Bijay Man
Nakamura, Takashi
Shrestha, Sadhana
Pathak, Sarad
Nishida, Kei
Malla, RabinTitle Tap Water Quality Degradation in an Intermittent Water Supply Area Appearing in Water, Air, & Soil Pollution Volume 233 Publication Date 2022-02-25 Place of Publication New York Publisher Springer Link Start page 81 End page 104 Language eng Abstract Decentralized tap water systems are an important drinking water source worldwide. A good quality, high-pressure continuous water supply (CWS) is always the target of any urban settlement. However, tap water in some areas are reported with deteriorated water quality even though treated well before supplying. Such deterioration of tap water quality is reported widely from areas with low water availability and in economically poor countries where water are supplied intermittently (IWS). This study focuses in identifying tap water quality in IWS and causes of water quality degradation using nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) as an indicator and stable isotopes of hydrogen (δD) as tracer. Nine water reservoirs and ninety municipal tap water (ten per reservoir) samples were collected during the wet (June–September) and dry (November–February) seasons in the Kathmandu Valley (KV), Nepal. Ten percent of the tap water samples exhibited higher NO3-N than those of their respective reservoirs during the wet season, while 16% exhibited higher concentrations during the dry season. Similarly, the isotopic signatures of tap water exhibited 3% and 23% higher concentrations than those of their respective reservoirs during the wet and dry seasons, respectively. Coupling analysis between NO3-N and δD demonstrates close connection of groundwater and tap water. The results indicate groundwater intrusion as the primary component in controlling tap water quality variations within the same distribution networks during IWS. Meanwhile, the obtained results also indicate probable areas of intrusion in the KV as well as usefulness of δD as a tool in the assessment of tap water systems. UNBIS Thesaurus DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Keyword Tap water contamination
Intermittent water supply
Low pressurized tap
Groundwater intrusion
Kathmandu ValleyCopyright Holder The Authors Copyright Year 2022 Copyright type Creative commons DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s11270-021-05483-8 -
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