Medical Biotechnology: Achievements, Prospects and Perceptions

Sasson, Albert, Medical Biotechnology: Achievements, Prospects and Perceptions, (Tokyo: United Nations University Press, 2005).

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  • Author Sasson, Albert
    Title Medical Biotechnology: Achievements, Prospects and Perceptions
    Publication Date 2005
    Place of Publication Tokyo
    Publisher United Nations University Press
    Pages VII, 154
    Language eng
    Abstract For many people, biotechnology means genetically modified organisms, alien species, toxic weapons, or hormone-treated beef. Yet it is also a tool to control plant and animal pests, preserve species, utilize genetic resources for health and nutrition, and protect the environment. Society’s ability to manage, share and regulate advanced biotechnology offers many opportunities and raises many challenges and risks. This book explores the issues of advanced biotechnology and examines the progress made in recent years. It looks at the drivers of medical and pharmaceutical biotechnology development in the United States, the European Union and Japan. It describes the biotechnology tools to fight major global health concerns such as Ebola fever, the human immunodeficiency virus, the SARS virus, and the Avian flu virus, as well as regulatory concerns and public perceptions. Professor Sasson also provides a state of the art analysis of the progress of selected developing countries in fostering their own bio-industries. He examines some of the most controversial areas of medical biotechnology, including issues such as stem cell research and gene therapy and some of the ethical issues they raise.
    Keyword Biotechnology
    United States
    European Union
    Copyright Holder United Nations University
    Copyright Year 2005
    Copyright type All rights reserved
    ISBN 9280811142
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