Measuring Eco-Innovation
Kemp, René (2008). Measuring Eco-Innovation. UNU Research Brief. UNU.
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Sub-type Policy brief Author Kemp, René Title Measuring Eco-Innovation Series Title UNU Research Brief Volume/Issue No. 1 Publication Date 2008 Place of Publication Tokyo Publisher UNU Pages N/A Language eng Abstract Faced with rising costs for producing goods and managing waste products, the competitiveness of fi rms, countries and even regions is increasingly linked to their ability to �eco-innovate�. However, very little is known about the growing global trade in environmentally beneficial goods and services as eco-technologies have been largely neglected in economic statistics. Nor do we know much about innovation efforts to reduce environmental impacts. This research brief reports on a recently completed European project to develop a conceptual basis for measuring eco-innovation and to propose guidelines for its practical application by researchers and policymakers. Copyright Holder UNU Copyright Year 2008 Copyright type Creative commons ISSN 18165796 ISBN 9789280835076 -
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