Enforcing UN Sanctions and Protecting Humanitarian Action: Towards a Coherent and Consistent Approach
Huvé, Sophie, Brubaker, Rebecca, Day, Adam and Hudáková, Zuzana (2022). Enforcing UN Sanctions and Protecting Humanitarian Action: Towards a Coherent and Consistent Approach. United Nations University.
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Sub-type Research report Author Huvé, Sophie
Brubaker, Rebecca
Day, Adam
Hudáková, ZuzanaTitle Enforcing UN Sanctions and Protecting Humanitarian Action: Towards a Coherent and Consistent Approach Publication Date 2022-02-18 Place of Publication New York Publisher United Nations University Pages 52 Language eng Abstract Sanctions represent one of the most important conflict prevention and management tools at the disposal of the United Nations. Yet, while the primary goal of UN sanctions is to prevent conflict, to a lesser extent they have also started to focus in more recent years on reducing harm to civilians. Based on in-depth case studies, a wide-ranging online survey, and qualitative interviews with experts across the humanitarian and sanctions communities, this report explores the relationship between UN sanctions and humanitarian action. Acknowledging the complex and challenging environments in which sanctions regimes are employed, the report highlights continuing gaps in knowledge across the two communities, and the need for greater understanding of how sanctions and humanitarian action could be more complementary to each other. The report concludes by offering a range of recommendations to the UN Security Council, sanctions actors, private sector actors, and humanitarians. UNBIS Thesaurus HUMANITARIAN AID AND RELIEF
SANCTIONSKeyword Sanctions
Sanctions (international law)
United Nations Security Council
International Humanitarian Law
International Human Rights Law
Humanitarian actionCopyright Holder United Nations University Copyright Year 2022 Copyright type Creative commons ISBN 9789280865554 -
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