A planetary health model for reducing exposure to faecal contamination in urban informal settlements: Baseline findings from Makassar, Indonesia
Matthew A. French, S.Fiona Barker, Ruzka R.Taruc, Ansariadi Ansariadi, Grant A. Duffy, Maghfira Saifuddaolah, Andi Zulkifli Agussalim, Fitriyanty Awaluddin, Zainal Zainal, Jane Wardani, Jane Wardani, Peter A. Faber, Peter A. Faber, Genie Fleming, Emma E. Ramsay, Rebekah Henry, Audrie Lin, Joanne O'Toole, John Openshaw, Rohan Sweeney et al., (2021). A planetary health model for reducing exposure to faecal contamination in urban informal settlements: Baseline findings from Makassar, Indonesia. Environment International, n/a-n/a
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Sub-type Journal article Author Matthew A. French
S.Fiona Barker
Ruzka R.Taruc
Ansariadi Ansariadi
Grant A. Duffy
Maghfira Saifuddaolah
Andi Zulkifli Agussalim
Fitriyanty Awaluddin
Zainal Zainal
Jane Wardani
Jane Wardani
Peter A. Faber
Peter A. Faber
Genie Fleming
Emma E. Ramsay
Rebekah Henry
Audrie Lin
Joanne O'Toole
John Openshaw
Rohan Sweeney
Sheela S. Sinharoy
Peter Kolotelo
Dusan Jovanovic
Christelle Schang
Ellen E. Higginson
Michaela F. Prescott
Kerrie Burge
Brett Davis
Diego Ramirez-Lovering
Daniel Reidpath
Chris Greening
Pascale Allotey
Julie A. Simpson
Andrew Forbes
Steven L. Chown
David McCarthy
David Johnston
Tony Wong
Rebekah Brown
Thomas Clasen
Stephen Luby
Karin LederTitle A planetary health model for reducing exposure to faecal contamination in urban informal settlements: Baseline findings from Makassar, Indonesia Appearing in Environment International Publication Date 2021-06-12 Place of Publication Netherlands Publisher Elsevier Start page n/a End page n/a Language eng Abstract The intense interactions between people, animals and environmental systems in urban informal settlements compromise human and environmental health. Inadequate water and sanitation services, compounded by exposure to flooding and climate change risks, expose inhabitants to environmental contamination causing poor health and wellbeing and degrading ecosystems. However, the exact nature and full scope of risks and exposure pathways between human health and the environment in informal settlements are uncertain. Existing models are limited to microbiological linkages related to faecal-oral exposures at the individual level, and do not account for a broader range of human-environmental variables and interactions that affect population health and wellbeing. Copyright Holder Authors Copyright Year 2021 Copyright type Creative commons DOI 10.1016/j.envint.2021.106679 -
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