Strengthening the migrant-friendliness of Thai health services through interpretation and cultural mediation: a system analysis
Kosiyaporn, Hathairat, Julchoo, Sataporn, Phaiyarom, Mathudara, Sinam, Pigunkaew, Kunpeuk, Watinee, Pudpong, Nareerut, Allotey, Pascale, Chan, Zhie X., Loganathan, Tharani, Pocock, Nicola and Suphanchaimat, Rapeepong, (2020). Strengthening the migrant-friendliness of Thai health services through interpretation and cultural mediation: a system analysis. Global Health and Research Policy, 5(1), 1-13
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Sub-type Journal article Author Kosiyaporn, Hathairat
Julchoo, Sataporn
Phaiyarom, Mathudara
Sinam, Pigunkaew
Kunpeuk, Watinee
Pudpong, Nareerut
Allotey, Pascale
Chan, Zhie X.
Loganathan, Tharani
Pocock, Nicola
Suphanchaimat, RapeepongTitle Strengthening the migrant-friendliness of Thai health services through interpretation and cultural mediation: a system analysis Appearing in Global Health and Research Policy Volume 5 Issue No. 1 Publication Date 2020-12-08 Place of Publication Bethesda Publisher PubMed Start page 1 End page 13 Language eng Abstract In addition to healthcare entitlements, ‘migrant-friendly health services’ in Thailand include interpretation and cultural mediation services which aim to reduce language and cultural barriers between health personnel and migrants. Although the Thai Government started implementing these services in 2003, challenges in providing them still remain. This study aims to analyse the health system functions which support the interpretation and cultural mediation services of migrant health worker (MHW) and migrant health volunteer (MHV) programmes in Thailand. UNBIS Thesaurus THAIS
MIGRANTSCopyright Holder The Authors Copyright Year 2020 Copyright type Creative commons DOI -
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