Using Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) to Improve Tanzania’s Governance of its Diamond Sector and Enhance Compliance with the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme
Dr. Cristina D’Alessandro and Prof. Franklyn Lisk (2021). Using Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) to Improve Tanzania’s Governance of its Diamond Sector and Enhance Compliance with the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme. UNU INRA.
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Sub-type Working paper Author Dr. Cristina D’Alessandro
Prof. Franklyn LiskTitle Using Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) to Improve Tanzania’s Governance of its Diamond Sector and Enhance Compliance with the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme Volume/Issue No. WP-2021/2 Publication Date 2021-10-12 Place of Publication Accra Publisher UNU INRA Pages 24 Language eng Abstract International legal instruments and related agreements provide an important framework for the establishment of a lasting and effective management structure of natural resources. Tanzania is a country that is signatory to a large number of international agreements and is a member of various international bodies related to natural resources. Despite taking part in numerous natural resource governance accountability mechanisms, Tanzania’s governance of the natural resource sector is modest. It faces several challenges in the extractive sector, while undertaking efforts towards better governance. Public–private partnerships (PPPs) have been limitedly examined as instruments for improving natural resource governance. This document shows concrete actions that can be taken within PPPs that were established with various private actors of the country. It doesso by looking specifically at the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) and enhancing Tanzania’scompliance with this mechanism. Copyright Holder UNU INRA Copyright Year 2021 Copyright type All rights reserved -
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