UNU Research Brief Number 1, 2006
Newman, Edward, Thakur, Ramesh and Tirman, John (2006). UNU Research Brief Number 1, 2006. Research Briefs. United Nations University.
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Sub-type Research brief Author Newman, Edward
Thakur, Ramesh
Tirman, JohnTitle UNU Research Brief Number 1, 2006 Series Title Research Briefs Publication Date 2006 Place of Publication Tokyo Publisher United Nations University Pages 8 Language eng Abstract The principles, values, and institutions of multilateralism, including the United Nations, are under sustained scrutiny and assault. Their performance and effectiveness are questioned, as are their decision-making procedures and their representation according to 21st-century standards of accountability and democracy. All this has a corrosive effect on their legitimacy. This research brief explores the systemic, hegemonic and normative sources of the challenges to multilateralism, and assesses the implications of these challenges for the viability and legitimacy of multilateral arrangements. In conclusion, it argues that only fundamentally new thinking about multilateralism will allow us to envision values and institutions which are appropriate for the post-Westphalian 21st-century. UNBIS Thesaurus DEMOCRACY
MULTILATERALISMCopyright Holder United Nations University Copyright Year 2006 Copyright type All rights reserved ISSN 1816576 ISBN 9280835033 -
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