Memories of War: The Second World War and Japanese Historical Memory in Comparative Perspective
Inoguchi, Takashi, Lyn Jackson, Petra Buchholz, Daizaburo Yui and Masaki Miyake (1998). Memories of War: The Second World War and Japanese Historical Memory in Comparative Perspective. United Nations University.
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Sub-type Discussion paper Author Inoguchi, Takashi
Lyn Jackson
Petra Buchholz
Daizaburo Yui
Masaki MiyakeEditor Inoguchi, Takashi
Lyn JacksonTitle Memories of War: The Second World War and Japanese Historical Memory in Comparative Perspective Publication Date 1998 Place of Publication Tokyo Publisher United Nations University Pages 50 Language eng Abstract To mark the fiftieth anniversary of the end of World War II, authors of this publication have contributed papers related to the Japanese historical memory of the war, in a comparative perspective. They address questions such as: To what extent has Japan "come to terms" with its past? Is war responsibility admitted at both the official and individual levels? How did the occupation policies affect values and attitudes in the post-war period? Why was the spirit of reconciliation evident in the ceremonies of the fiftieth anniversary of the end of World War II in Germany and Europe, yet not in Japan and Pacific Asia? In the United States, why did the perception gap between Japan and Germany widen and become more negative towards Japan recently? How have Japan's relationships with other Asian countries developed, and what steps could be taken to strengthen the relationships in the future? What is Japan's conception of its history? How, then, is the war remembered in Japan? UNBIS Thesaurus JAPAN
WORLD WAR (1939-1945)Copyright Holder United Nations University Copyright Year 1998 Copyright type All rights reserved -
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