Executive Summary: Ethiopia - Drought Risk
Waldschmidt, Florian, Behre, Eike, Daou, David, Rojas, Alvaro, Arce Mojica,Teresa, Koirala, Preeti, Ullah, Irfan, Sebesvari, Zita, Kreft, Soenke and Souvignet, Maxime (2021). Executive Summary: Ethiopia - Drought Risk. United Nations University – Institute for Environment & Human Security (UNU-EHS) and Frankfurt School of Finance & Managemen.
Document type:
Author Waldschmidt, Florian
Behre, Eike
Daou, David
Rojas, Alvaro
Arce Mojica,Teresa
Koirala, Preeti
Ullah, Irfan
Sebesvari, Zita
Kreft, Soenke
Souvignet, MaximeTitle Executive Summary: Ethiopia - Drought Risk Publication Date 2021-08 Place of Publication Bonn Publisher United Nations University – Institute for Environment & Human Security (UNU-EHS) and Frankfurt School of Finance & Managemen Pages 26 Language eng Abstract In this report, drought adaptation measures were analyzed for the Afar and Somilai regions in Ethiopia in terms of cost-efficiency and risk mitigation effectiveness. A total of 26 measures (13 options of measures in each region) were successfully assessed using the modelling platform CLIMADA. The Economics of Climate Adaptation (ECA) framework is set out to develop practical recommendations that enable national and local decision-makers to build a comprehensive assessment of the climate risk that their economies are facing while minimizing the cost of adaptation through cost-efficient strategies. A particular emphasis is made on a robust and integrated approach based on sound scientific facts. The ECA as applied here contains three elements supported by the modelling platform CLIMADA: 1. Climate risk identification: Conduct an identification of climate risk in a defined region (e.g. urban area), identify areas and people at risk, spanning all significant climate hazards and the full range of possible impacts for different sectors 2. Climate risk quantification: Calculate the expected damage across multiple climates and economic scenarios 3. Identification and prioritization of CCA measures (using Cost-Benefit Analysis of CCA measures): Determine strategies including a portfolio of specific CCA measures with detailed cost/benefit assessment. Additionally, ECA includes a strong component of stakeholder engagement to complement the hazard modelling and asset valuation. This report presents a brief overview of ECA and the main results of drought impact today and in the future using CLIMADA, a probabilistic modelling platform. UNBIS Thesaurus DROUGHT
RISK ASSESSMENTKeyword Drought adaptation
Drought Ethiopia
Adaptation measures
Risk analytics
ECACopyright Holder United Nations University – Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) & Frankfurt School of Finance & Management Copyright Year 2021 Copyright type Fair use permitted -
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