UNU Policy Brief Number 5, 2009
Popovski, Vesselin, Stratton, Johanna and Huebner, Kalle (2009). UNU Policy Brief Number 5, 2009. Policy Briefs. United Nations University.
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Sub-type Policy brief Author Popovski, Vesselin
Stratton, Johanna
Huebner, KalleTitle UNU Policy Brief Number 5, 2009 Series Title Policy Briefs Publication Date 2009 Place of Publication Shibuya, Tokyo Publisher United Nations University Pages VIII, 8 Language eng Abstract A society that transitions from authoritarianism or armed conflict to democracy needs to address important questions of justice and accountability for past human rights abuses in order to build a stable and peaceful future. In the rapidly maturing field of transitional justice an expanding number of initiatives have taken place providing valuable lessons for newly democratizing societies. This policy brief reviews the experiences of transition countries in Latin America and Eastern European undertaking various accountability mechanisms: truth commissions, trials and amnesties in Latin America; and lustration, opening of secret service files, compensation and restitution in Eastern Europe. It identifies variables which may determine the effectiveness of certain mechanisms, and builds on the expanding body of evidence-based research. UNBIS Thesaurus EAST AFRICA
CORRUPTIONCopyright Holder United Nations University Copyright Year 2009 Copyright type All rights reserved ISSN 18148026 ISBN 9789280830750 -
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