Land Degradation: Guidelines for Field Assessment
Stocking, Michael and Niamh Murnaghan, Land Degradation: Guidelines for Field Assessment, ed. Anna Tengberg and Geoff Humphreys (Norwich: United Nations University, 2000).
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Author Stocking, Michael
Niamh MurnaghanEditor Anna Tengberg
Geoff HumphreysTitle Land Degradation: Guidelines for Field Assessment Publication Date 2000-01-01 Place of Publication Norwich Publisher United Nations University Pages 121 Language eng Abstract This practical handbook sets out rapid and non-technical methods for measuring and assessing land degradation in the field. Stocking and Murnaghan demonstrate these by using indicators that are relevant and applicable to real farming situations. In addition to the methodology, the handbook considers the interpretation of the measurements, looking in particular at how combinations of different indicators can give robust conclusions as to the severity of land degradation. There is a strong emphasis on the importance of these technologies in contributing towards environmental protection policies and for the well-being of rural land users. UNBIS Thesaurus FARM MANAGEMENT
AGRICULTURECopyright Holder Michael Stocking and Niamh Murnaghan Copyright Year 2000 Copyright type All rights reserved ISBN 9781853838316 -
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