Globalization with a Human Face - Benefitting All

Eduardo Aninat, Hans D’Orville, Hasan Talal, Soisk Habret, Dongcheng Hu, Seung Han, Yasuko Ikenobo, Tomonobu Imamichi, Sergey Kapitza, Akira Kojima, Koichiro Matsuura, Sergio Peña-Neira, Jan Pronk, Moeen Qureshi, Fidel Ramos, Balthas Seibold, Joel Shelton, Aminata Tarore, Shinako Tsuchiya, Andreas Agt et al. (2004). Globalization with a Human Face - Benefitting All. UNESCO-UNU International Conference. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

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  • Sub-type Working paper
    Author Eduardo Aninat
    Hans D’Orville
    Hasan Talal
    Soisk Habret
    Dongcheng Hu
    Seung Han
    Yasuko Ikenobo
    Tomonobu Imamichi
    Sergey Kapitza
    Akira Kojima
    Koichiro Matsuura
    Sergio Peña-Neira
    Jan Pronk
    Moeen Qureshi
    Fidel Ramos
    Balthas Seibold
    Joel Shelton
    Aminata Tarore
    Shinako Tsuchiya
    Andreas Agt
    Ginkel, Hans van
    Editor Balthas Seibold
    Title Globalization with a Human Face - Benefitting All
    Series Title UNESCO-UNU International Conference
    Publication Date 2004
    Place of Publication Paris
    Publisher United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
    Pages CCXVI, 216
    Language eng
    Abstract The social, human and cultural dimensions of development and globalization have been at the core of the work of UNESCO. Today, more than ever, the challenge of achieving “globalization with a human face” is immense. In quantitative terms, the scale of global inequities is shocking. Around the world, 1.2 billion people are living on one dollar a day or less. Indeed, the persistence of extreme poverty is the clearest sign that globalization is not working for humanity as a whole. According to UNESCO’s latest estimates, there are 862 million illiterate adults and 115 million children who are out-of-school. In other words, close to one billion men, women and children have not received a basic education, which is the very minimum for effective participation in today’s globalizing societies. Furthermore, 1.2 billion people – one-fifth of the world’s population – have no access to safe drinking water, and nearly 2.5 billion people – 40 percent of the inhabitants of our planet – have no access to basic sanitary facilities. Clearly, the very basics of a healthy and dignified human life are far from universally available. And, in the very areas where globalization is supposed to be changing our lives most dramatically – communication and information – enormous gaps still remain. For example, the levels for fixed line and mobile telephones are 121.1 per 100 inhabitants in developed countries, 18.7 in developing countries, and just 1.1 in the least developed countries. Meanwhile, the 400,000 citizens of Luxembourg share more international Internet bandwidth than Africa’s 760 million citizens. One might conclude from all these figures that perhaps one-third of humanity has yet to enter the twentieth, let alone the twenty-first, century. In addition, globalization is generating new problems and challenges. In many areas of life, the ethical ground is shifting beneath our feet due to the very rapidity of scientific and technological change, which is outstripping our capacity to devise appropriate ethical, political and social responses. For example, today’s debates in the field of bioethics, such as those concerning human cloning, deal with unprecedented issues in the history of ethical discourse. New information and communication technologies (ICTs) are also creating new kinds of problems, such as those regarding content. Meanwhile, long-established assumptions about the meaning of “quality” in educational terms are coming under renewed scrutiny. The very nature of globalization requires the development of knowledge, values, skills and behaviours that enable young people to cope with complexity and change. As we enter the twenty-first century, educational processes must generate appropriate forms of learning – how to live together, how to be tolerant and respectful of diversity, how to respect one another’s rights and how to build a sustainable future. It is against this background of new challenges and problems, especially the large-scale inequities evident in the distribution of globalization’s benefits, that the phrase “globalization with a human face” acquires its meaning and significance. It is a phrase with certain connotations.
    Copyright Holder United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
    Copyright Year 2003
    Copyright type All rights reserved
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