New Approaches to Water Management in Central Asia: Proceedings of a Joint UNU-CAS International Workshop
Suzuki, Motoyuki, Adel El-Beltagy, Adeel, Zafar, Genady Golubev, Monique Mainguet, Rene Letolle, Kobori, Iwao, Karajeh, Fawzi, V. Mukhamedjanov, F. Vyshepolskiy, Khaidar Djumankulov, Sanginboi Sanginov, I. Aliev, Karim Nawaz, Theib Oweis, Eddy De Pauw, F. Pertziger, L. Lebed, Saparov, Abdulla, Victor Petrunin et al., New Approaches to Water Management in Central Asia: Proceedings of a Joint UNU-CAS International Workshop, ed. Adeel, Zafar (Tokyo: United Nations University, 2001).
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Author Suzuki, Motoyuki
Adel El-Beltagy
Adeel, Zafar
Genady Golubev
Monique Mainguet
Rene Letolle
Kobori, Iwao
Karajeh, Fawzi
V. Mukhamedjanov
F. Vyshepolskiy
Khaidar Djumankulov
Sanginboi Sanginov
I. Aliev
Karim Nawaz
Theib Oweis
Eddy De Pauw
F. Pertziger
L. Lebed
Saparov, Abdulla
Victor Petrunin
T. Nugaeva
Zhou Hongfei
Song Yudong
Hu Shunjun
Kowsar, Ahang
Goudou Dieudonné
Tao, Wang
Houcine TaamallahEditor Adeel, Zafar Title New Approaches to Water Management in Central Asia: Proceedings of a Joint UNU-CAS International Workshop Series Title Desertification Publication Date 2001-11 Place of Publication Tokyo Publisher United Nations University Pages 233 Language eng Abstract This workshop, jointly organized by UNU and ICARDA, primarily focused on the challenges in water management faced in the Central Asian region and explored new strategies to cope with them. The papers, in this volume, focus on water management within the broader theme of approaches for integrated land management. A number of promising approaches for water management are discussed both in Central Asia and in other locations. These include rainwater harvesting techniques, aquifer recharge methods, and applications involving re-use of municipal sewage or wastewater. In conjunction with recycled water application, development of cheaper water treatment technologies suited to local conditions is also described as a recommended approach. In general, water productivity can be significantly improved through these recently-developed approaches and in some situations very significant benefits can be reaped through enhancement of indigenous and traditional management approaches. UNBIS Thesaurus CENTRAL ASIA
WATER MANAGEMENTCopyright Holder United Nations University Copyright Year 2001 Copyright type All rights reserved ISBN 9280880012 -
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