Climate-driven Recruitment and Other Conflict Dynamics in Colombia
Cárdenas, Javier, Downing, Cristal and Vélez, Juanita (2021). Climate-driven Recruitment and Other Conflict Dynamics in Colombia. Managing Exits from Armed Conflict Findings Report. United Nations University.
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Attached Files (Some files may be inaccessible until you login with your UNU Collections credentials) Name Description MIMEType Size Downloads MEACFindings8.pdf Report in English application/pdf 634.48KB MEACFindings8ES.pdf Report in Spanish application/pdf 568.03KB -
Sub-type Policy brief Author Cárdenas, Javier
Downing, Cristal
Vélez, JuanitaTitle Climate-driven Recruitment and Other Conflict Dynamics in Colombia Series Title Managing Exits from Armed Conflict Findings Report Volume/Issue No. 8 Publication Date 2021-10-11 Place of Publication New York Publisher United Nations University Pages 15 Language eng Abstract This report is based on data collected from April to May 2021 as part of a phone survey of community members in 11 municipalities across Colombia. It presents findings on climate change and human-induced environmental degradation, including impacts such as displacement and association with armed groups. It also includes analysis of some of the different levels and types of impact that these climate trends have on women and ethnic groups. This data may be useful to government, UN, and NGO partners working in Colombia to tackle climate change and environmental degradation, and to dismantle armed groups and bring about peace, including through implementation of the 2016 peace agreement between the Colombian Government and the FARC-EP. The report ends with an examination of key policy and programmatic implications of these findings. UNBIS Thesaurus CLIMATE CHANGE
CLIMATEKeyword Armed groups
Climate change
Environmental degradationCopyright Holder United Nations University Copyright Year 2021 Copyright type Creative commons ISBN 9789280865455 -
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