Climate change in rural Pakistan: evidence and experiences from a people‑centered perspective

Ajani, Amber and van der Geest, Kees, (2021). Climate change in rural Pakistan: evidence and experiences from a people‑centered perspective. Sustainability Science, 16(6), 1999-2011

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  • Sub-type Journal article
    Author Ajani, Amber
    van der Geest, Kees
    Title Climate change in rural Pakistan: evidence and experiences from a people‑centered perspective
    Appearing in Sustainability Science
    Volume 16
    Issue No. 6
    Publication Date 2021
    Place of Publication Cham
    Publisher Springer Nature Switzerland AG
    Start page 1999
    End page 2011
    Language eng
    Abstract Pakistan is home to a wide range of geographical landscapes, each of which faces different climate change impacts and challenges. This article presents findings from a National Geographic Society funded project, which employed a people centered, narratives-based approach to study climate impacts and adaptation strategies of people in 19 rural study sites in four provinces of Pakistan (N = 108). The study looked at six climate-related stressors—changes in weather patterns, floods, Glacial Lake Outburst Floods, drought, heat waves, and sea-level rise—in the coastal areas of Sindh, the desert of Thar, the plains of Punjab, and the mountains of Hunza, Gilgit, and Chitral. Speaking to people at these frontlines of climate change revealed much about climate suffering and trauma. Not only is the suffering induced by losses and damages to property and livelihood, but climate impacts also take a heavy toll on people’s psycho-social wellbeing, particularly when they are displaced from their homes. The findings further demonstrate that people try to adapt in various ways, for instance by altering their agricultural practices, but they face severe barriers to effective adaptation action. Understanding people’s perceptions of climate change and incorporating their recommendations in adaptation planning can help policy-makers develop a more participatory, inclusive, and holistic climate resilience framework for the future.
    UNBIS Thesaurus PAKISTAN
    Keyword Impacts of climate change
    Adaptation constraints
    Loss and damage
    People-centered perspective
    Climate narratives
    Copyright Holder The Authors
    Copyright Year 2021
    Copyright type Creative commons
    DOI 10.1007/s11625-021-01036-4
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