Food security among dryland pastoralists and agropastoralists: The climate, land-use change, and population dynamics nexus
Stavi, Ilan, Roque de Pinho, Joana, Paschalidou, Anastasia K, Adamo, Susana B, Galvin, Kathleen, de Sherbinin, Alex, Even, Trevor, Heaviside, Clare and van der Geest, Kees, (2022). Food security among dryland pastoralists and agropastoralists: The climate, land-use change, and population dynamics nexus. The Anthropocene Review, 9(3), 299-323
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Sub-type Journal article Author Stavi, Ilan
Roque de Pinho, Joana
Paschalidou, Anastasia K
Adamo, Susana B
Galvin, Kathleen
de Sherbinin, Alex
Even, Trevor
Heaviside, Clare
van der Geest, KeesTitle Food security among dryland pastoralists and agropastoralists: The climate, land-use change, and population dynamics nexus Appearing in The Anthropocene Review Volume 9 Issue No. 3 Publication Date 2022 Place of Publication Thousand Oaks Publisher SAGE Publishing Start page 299 End page 323 Language eng Abstract During the last decades, pastoralist, and agropastoralist populations of the world’s drylands have become exceedingly vulnerable to regional and global changes. Specifically, exacerbated stressors imposed on these populations have adversely affected their food security status, causing humanitarian emergencies and catastrophes. Of these stressors, climate variability and change, landuse and management practices, and dynamics of human demography are of a special importance. These factors affect all four pillars of food security, namely, food availability, access to food, food utilization, and food stability. The objective of this study was to critically review relevant literature to assess the complex web of interrelations and feedbacks that affect these factors. The increasing pressures on the world’s drylands necessitate a comprehensive analysis to advise policy makers regarding the complexity and linkages among factors, and to improve global action. The acquired insights may be the basis for alleviating food insecurity of vulnerable dryland populations. UNBIS Thesaurus ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION
POPULATION DYNAMICSKeyword Climatic change
Croplands vs rangelands
Human migration and urbanization
Increasing temperatures
Long-term droughts
Natural vs anthropogenic factors
Sedentarization and expansion cultivationCopyright Holder The Authors Copyright Year 2021 Copyright type Creative commons DOI 10.1177/20530196211007512 -
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