Post-Harvest Losses of Culture, Capture and Marine Fisheries of Bangladesh

Rashid, Md. Mamun Or and Sarkar, Md. Sujahangir Kabir, (2020). Post-Harvest Losses of Culture, Capture and Marine Fisheries of Bangladesh. International Journal Of Business And Economy, 2(2), 1-10

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  • Sub-type Journal article
    Author Rashid, Md. Mamun Or
    Sarkar, Md. Sujahangir Kabir
    Title Post-Harvest Losses of Culture, Capture and Marine Fisheries of Bangladesh
    Appearing in International Journal Of Business And Economy
    Volume 2
    Issue No. 2
    Publication Date 2020-05-27
    Place of Publication Malaysia
    Publisher Academia Industry Networks
    Start page 1
    End page 10
    Language eng
    Abstract Bangladesh is one of the top countries in the world in terms of fish production. Considering the sectoral importance, this study assesses the post-harvest losses of culture, capture and marine fisheries of Bangladesh. Data were collected from different value chain actors of fisheries sector by using semi-structured questionnaire.Post-harvest losses were estimated for each type of fish by summing up all losses. The result shows that culture fisheries accounted 3.14-6.36% post-harvest loss where Rui, Catla and small Shrimp have faced more than 5% loss after harvest. In case of capture fisheries, the highest and lowest loss (in terms of money) was estimated for big shrimp and taki respectively and the total monetary loss for the fish species ranges from BDT12186-68760. In case of marine fishes, highest weight loss per metric tonne was found for Bombay duck ad Faissha where Hilsa was faced highest monetary loss of BDT77675 and shrimp accounted loss over BDT33000 after harvest which was 11.84% per metric tonne. The average post-harvest loss for per metric tonne of marine fish was found 11.67% which is higher than the loss of capture fish (7.01%) and culture fish (4.47%). Therefore, this study suggests to government and fisheries related agencies to focus on promoting initiatives, practices and policies to minimize the post-harvest loss and maximize the contribution of fisheries sector in Bangladesh.
    Keyword Post-harvest loss
    Culture fisheries
    Capture fisheries
    Marine fisheries
    Copyright Holder 2020 Academica Industry Networks
    Copyright Year 2020
    Copyright type All rights reserved
    ISSN 26828359
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