Inter-linkages between the Ozone and Climate Change Conventions
(2001). Inter-linkages between the Ozone and Climate Change Conventions. Inter-linkages Policy Brief. United Nations University.
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Subtitle Part I - Inter-linkages between the Montreal and Kyoto Protocols Editor Maladeb, Jong
Velasquez, Jerry
Shende, RajendraTitle Inter-linkages between the Ozone and Climate Change Conventions Series Title Inter-linkages Policy Brief Volume/Issue No. 2 Publication Date 2001 Place of Publication Tokyo Publisher United Nations University Pages 28 Language eng Abstract Some express the view that there has been a great deal of activity in raising awareness of the inter-linkages between treaties, but it is time to move past that step. The next step is to find concrete examples of how to create the desired collaboration. The Secretariats of the Conventions don’t have all the answers in this context, as the complexity of the problems being addressed is so large that it is virtually unmanageable. Entry points for solutions must be sought at international, regional and national levels. One of the best ways to such find entry points may be at the national level. Copyright Holder United Nations University Copyright Year 2001 Copyright type Creative commons -
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