Decision-making heuristics for managing climate-related risks: introducing equity to the FREE framework
Audia, Camilla, Visman, Emma, Fox, Gino, Mwangi, Emmah, Kilavi, Mary, Arango, Mark, Ayeb-Karlsson, Sonja and Kniveton, Dominic, "Decision-making heuristics for managing climate-related risks: introducing equity to the FREE framework" in Climate Risk in Africa ed. Conway, Declan and Vincent, Katherine (Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021), 57-76.
Document type:
Book Chapter
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Author Audia, Camilla
Visman, Emma
Fox, Gino
Mwangi, Emmah
Kilavi, Mary
Arango, Mark
Ayeb-Karlsson, Sonja
Kniveton, DominicBook Editor Conway, Declan
Vincent, KatherineChapter Title Decision-making heuristics for managing climate-related risks: introducing equity to the FREE framework Book Title Climate Risk in Africa Publication Date 2021 Place of Publication Cham Publisher Palgrave Macmillan Start page 57 End page 76 Language eng Abstract Managing climate-related risks is clouded in differing levels of uncertainty that are magnified when trying to understand their potential impacts on socio-ecological systems. The ‘cascade of uncertainty’ is particularly apparent in Africa where socio-ecological data are sparse, and the development and validation of impact models are at varying stages. In this context, using heuristics may serve as an effective way for policy mak-ers to incorporate climate change knowledge into decision-making. Previous scholarship has identified the principles of Flexibility, Robustness and Economic low/no regrets in decision-making under uncertainty. In this chapter, we first make the case for adding Equity to these heuristics, where equity involves ensuring that reducing the climate change risk for one cohort of society does not result in its increase for another. Second, we describe how these principles have been applied under two DFID/NERC funded projects: ForPAc and AMMA-2050 through the use of Participatory Impact Pathways Analysis tools. UNBIS Thesaurus CLIMATE CHANGE
DECISION-MAKINGKeyword Heuristics Copyright Holder The Authors Copyright Year 2021 Copyright type Creative commons DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-61160-6_4 -
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