Risk Assessment
Hagenlocher, Michael, Thieken, Annegret, Schneiderbauer, Stefan, Aguirre Ayerbe, Ignacio, Dobes, Pavel, Donovan, Amy, Morsut, Claudia, Paris, Nicholas, Pedoth, Lydia and Tonmoy, Fahim, "Risk Assessment" in Science for Disaster Risk Management: acting today, protecting tomorrow ed. Casajus Valles, A., Marin Ferrer, M., Poljanšek, K. and Clark, I. (Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2020), 54-65.
Document type:
Book Chapter
Author Hagenlocher, Michael
Thieken, Annegret
Schneiderbauer, Stefan
Aguirre Ayerbe, Ignacio
Dobes, Pavel
Donovan, Amy
Morsut, Claudia
Paris, Nicholas
Pedoth, Lydia
Tonmoy, FahimBook Editor Casajus Valles, A.
Marin Ferrer, M.
Poljanšek, K.
Clark, I.Chapter Title Risk Assessment Book Title Science for Disaster Risk Management: acting today, protecting tomorrow Publication Date 2020 Place of Publication Luxembourg Publisher Publications Office of the European Union Start page 54 End page 65 Language eng Abstract Causing damage to human well-being, ecosystems, infrastructure and disrupting entire economies, disasters continue to undermine sustainable development. Reducing the impacts of natural hazards and identifying pathways towards resilient societies hence remains a global priority. Understanding and assessing the drivers, patterns and dynamics of risk associated with single or multiple hazards is a necessary precondition for the identification, planning and implementation of targeted disaster risk reduction (DRR), risk transfer and climate change adaptation (CCA) policies, strategies and solutions. This realisation is reflected in key international agreements of the post-2015 agenda (e.g. the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and the Paris Agreement) as well as the European Union’s Civil Protection Mechanism and the European Agenda on Security – all of which include an explicit or implicit call for risk assessments. This subchapter provides an overview of current risk assessment concepts (Section 2), highlights the relevance of a transdisciplinary perspective when assessing risk (Section 3) and presents approaches to tackle the complex nature of risk (Section 4). Furthermore, it emphasises the need to analyse and communicate uncertainties as part of the risk assessment process as well as the essential role of risk communication to support disaster risk management. UNBIS Thesaurus RISK Keyword Vulnerability
Risk assessment
Future scenarios
Risk communicationCopyright Holder The Authors Copyright Year 2020 Copyright type Creative commons DOI 10.2760/571085 -
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